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Uncle Vinnie

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
I read your latest write ups and all I have to say is that you are too hard on yourself. You were literally comparing your handicapping skills to a chimp.
Please Nolan, if anyone should understand that people go through losing streaks it should be you. You are 50 percent on the year and are giving up? What kind of example does that set for us rookies?? You have plenty of NBA left not to mention the rest of the tournament. Your input is greatly anticipated and appreciated on this fourm win or lose. Their are a few assholes on this fourm that seem to think otherwise but all the true Madjack family are behind you 100%. Please reconsider giving up hoops not only for me but for the benefit of the family.


We all did crappy on hoops last week


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 16, 2000
Surprise, AZ, USA
Hey Nolan,

Remember that e mail I sent you the other day? I said that I don't know how to handicap and that I am a consensus player. That I follow a few people here on the board that I see do well in general.

As I told you ...if I jump on their bandwagon and THEY have a bad day. So do I???

Well, I jumped on Fletchers bandwagon the other day. Played all his plays and cut my balance in about half.. HEY.. I had a small balance to begin with!

You told me in your reply that that is called the WHIPSAW EFFECT. Well, apparently if I had followed your plays... the same thing would have happened. I would have been creamed!

Does this mean that you or Fletcher are "BAD" handicappers? HELL....NO!!

You are both better than I will ever be! Besides, I work full-time and have no idea how all this sh*t works. It's all hocus pocus to me. I tried to do some of my own handicapping with NBA around Christmas and just about put myself in the hospital with all the damned stress I put myself under. Something about truly believing you are on the right side... knowing you are right.. falling in love with the dammm game and then feeling totally screwed when you lose it. Despondency, self-doubt, self-recrimination..
Woulda, coulda, shouldas..etc.

I thanked Ray in an e mail a week or two ago for a LOSING.. baseball play. I was afraid that he might think I was being sarcastic. I really wasn't. I appreciated that he shared his talent and pick with me.. even though it was a loser. Hey... he knows a hell of a lot more than I do about handicapping.. and so do you.

I later said that if a friend gives you an apple with a worm in it. Hey, it's still a gift! And you should be grateful!

I am grateful for all the posts and analysises I have read by you. I especially enjoyed your NFL stuff.

Hey.. Fletch. If you read this. I am grateful for the contributions you have made to this board. And I am grateful for the plays that you have posted that I have played.. both winners and losers.

You all have HUGE COJONES.. to put your opinions right OUT THERE in front of GOD and everybody. To win or lose and to do so in such a public way! My hat goes off to all of you.

Please don't go away Nolan.

Would it help if I said "I LOVE YOU"?

I do...

We all do!


He Hate Me

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
Your playing too much poker,your not hard wired to bet sports,I havent met many poker players that can bet sports,unless their following someone.
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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
you know i was going to go off on you but thats what you want is to cause trouble,when you can go a whole year and have his % then come back and be a smart ass.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 20, 2000
Port Arthur, Tx
Truly "Unbelievable", that is all I can , and will say. Proves beyond any doubt, the old saying, "it takes all kinds". Reconsider Nolan, we all respect your selections, ability, and analysis.

"Rackem Up Henry"


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 8, 2001
HE HATE ME , nice name , what gives u the right to go off on nolan, nolan is truly an outstanding capper and card shark, we won us all plenty of jack, during the NFL season , go back and check for yourself, everyone runs through bad streaks, thats what makes the men stand out from the little boys, which one are ya? , by the way is that your brother playing in the xfl? , id love to go against you , maybe see if u can get to 1.0 per carry against me let me know ,AL
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Uncle Vinnie

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
Please guys this thread was meant for encouragement not to bad mouth or trash talk. If you have anything other than kind words please start your own thread. I can't belive the ignorance some are capable of.



Registered User
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Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
I've got to quit sleeping - it is taking away MJ time. I clearly missed someone hacking on "DA MAN". All I can say is that I have learned more from Nolan than anyone. He is patient and takes the time to return E-Mails. His write-ups are logical not just numbers and entertaining.

I don't know who said what about him but they know less than I do (nothing) or they are just starting something.

Though Nolan has only been gone for 5 days I feel like I've lost a small part of life. I truly looked forward to his views and checked for his page before even thinking about op-ening the Forum.

I will repeat the closing of "Shane",

"Come back Nolan. Come back"

Its not about succeeding, its about handling success.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Nolan's analysis of the super bowl was astounding.
It was like he'd already seen it and the rest of us were just watching a replay.