Nolan's NCAA rant


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Apr 24, 2001
Milwaukee, WI
Nolan, just wanted to state my strong agreement with you about the NCAA.

Though I struggle with justifying stipends for guys who are getting free schooling for which other students pay $10 or $20 or whatever thousand per year for, I think I ultimately stand with you there.

Your larger issue, however, is where I firmly stand with you (no waffling, unlike the above issue).

The NCAA is a behemoth accountable to no one who caters to one interest only - cash. They care nothing about the ones making them the money, the athletes of the revenue sports.

I could rant on and on, probably using more space than you did, but I'll just stop here.

Well said.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I agree the athletes should get stipends. They do anyway, but it needs to be legal. No more of the "hundred dollar handshakes". That might also encourage some of the hardship guys and high schoolers to stay in school and not leave before they are ready. I'm all for a guy like Garnett, Jordan, or Antoine Walker going pro early when they were obviously ready, but there are also people like Scotty Thurman who are pumping gas now. I'll agree with the thought that the NCAA is criminal. Add in all the GAME FIXING while you're at it.


The BestBradley
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2000
encino, ca
As "unfair" as some people think about players getting free educations and mothly stipends, I think it is perfectly fair. The amount of hours tehse guys put in practicing and wathcing videotapes and conditioning virtually eliminates the possibility of the athletes having a chance to have a job and study for classes (many actually do!!!)

As for free gifts they happen everywhere...I see college athletes driving nice cars everyday.. especially when I am in Tucson around basketball season!!!!


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Forum Member
Aug 30, 1999
Div 1 aren't ALLOWED to have jobs during the school year. They eliminated the "Gymnasium Crocodile Exterminator" fake job ploy by disallowing this. You can only work during the summer now.

The NCAAholes are complete phuckheads!
They are about "parity" and Tittle IX. The extra $ doesn't go to the University, it goes to let the Synch Swimming team travel to Germany and the Tiddly-Winks team take a Euro tour during the summer and the Women's hoop team to have 15 ships vs 13 for the Men, who bring in about 5,000 times more $. It's all a phuckin joke! Prop 48/22/? is the biggest joke. Let's take a kid with substandard entrance qualifications, make them sit out or not get a ship for their fr yr, then use them for 3 years and boot them out w/o a chance in hell of graduating (avg is >5 yrs for kids who don't play sports 30 hrs a week and are far more qualified academically ). Let's only make ships one year renewable at the coaches discretion so sleazy coaches can boot kids they make a mistake on after one year. A kid has to sit a yr if he transfers, a coach can just say "GOODBYE" with no repercussions, it is sickening!

I say the FB and MENS HOOPS teams should get 120 and 20 ships to give that are 5 year guaranteed no cut. Once their 4 yrs eligibility is up they get to have another yr of school&room&board w/o the burden of sports to try to graduate. I'd go even farther and let them have tuition free even after that 5 yrs if they still haven't graduated. These teams make 95%+ of the school's Athletic budget, so they should get the lion's share of the $ back into those programs and all the education these kids want/need. Stipends and many assts and luxury treatment are the least they should get since they are who the fans pay to see ( millions in tv/radio rev, attendence, contributions, T-shirts, etc. )! They shouldn't have to get fake summer jobs and handshakes just to be able to go out for a pizza and buy a jacket for the road! The coaches are millionaires, the kids have to cheat to get a few bucks for luxuries. Remember <2% become pros! Many end up w/o a degree and not always because they didn't try or want one!


dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
I think it is a little ridiculous to say that blood is on the hands of the NCAA. That is a strong accusation to make.

Also -- athletes are not "forced" to play. I have never heard of anyone who didn't like it that they were an athlete. If they do not like it, they can quit.

I agree that there are some people making millions of dollars at this, but paying these athletes any more than they are already getting will drive up tuition for everyone else. That is EXACTLY what would happen. Sooner or later, collegiate athletes would be making millions of dollars just as the pros are and who would be paying their salary? Sure, TV and fans, but also Students. That would be an outrage.

The system will never be perfect. Right now, no one is forced to play. Most people would LOVE the opportunity to do the hard work required to compete on this level. Blood is not on the hands of anyone. If it is, please show some specifics -- people dying in practices is not the problem of the fat cats at the NCAA -- it is poor, incompetent trainers.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Chit Wisconsin got slapped because some of the guys and gals got extra 15 bucks off on shoes you and I can't get. Wow. I tell you what they should do. Either graduate 75% of your athletes. Or no Scholar Ships. And I don't care if its grape growing. At least it's something.
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