I've read and re-read both NICK's column and NOLAN's, and I can only conclude one thing. BOTH make valid points, but NICK does NOT seem to give enough emphasis to the KEY numbers that NOLAN is mentioning. In pure mathematical terms, teasers may NOT be a wise investment if bet randomly. BUT, in certain circumstances, and when placed methodically to take advantage of key numbers, I feel Nolan is right that there are times when they are to be played.
Myself, I often play teasers from SUN to MNF, teasing the HOME TEAM down early, knowing that JOE PUBLIC will more times than not, be on a HOME FAV on MNF. I also tease the total, normally OVER, knowing the PUB's tendency to follow that same theory, HOME FAV and OVER. IF my original play hits, I'm set up with a nice middle situation where I can take back the dog, normally at a 7 to 8 pt middle, or the UNDER at the same middle spread. IF I feel my play is "safe" or the right side, I may sit on it til HT, but I have many options at this point. This to me is the ideal situation, as I will quite often tease as many as six games to MNF, 3 to the side and total perhaps, and hope to have a minimum of four alive going in. At $100 a play, I'll have 660 invested at this point, and in most cases, I'll have FOUR live teasers, at significantly FAVORABLE numbers going into MON game. I can then play the OPPOSITE for one unit if I so desire, and have a possible outcome of -2.6 Units if all teasers lose, to a possible gain of +3.8 Units if all hit. ALL six games I play on SUN to MNF are games I already considered plays, and my hope if that I "buy" a win or two by using the additional six points. To really complicate things, you can always TEASE the MNF game to the next week's games on THUR or SUN. This gives you a 13 to 14 pt middle situation in most cases, which I feel is significant in the NFL.