H heleanth Registered User Forum Member Oct 17, 2001 3,737 55 48 Northern Wisconsin Aug 15, 2002 #2 Sorry for being a moron, but does the "ok" in your post mean anything (like "Oakland")? Or was NOR (New Orleans his only pick. Thanks for posting, sdf.
Sorry for being a moron, but does the "ok" in your post mean anything (like "Oakland")? Or was NOR (New Orleans his only pick. Thanks for posting, sdf.
S sdf Registered User Forum Member Mar 22, 2002 1,308 67 48 Aug 15, 2002 #4 ok means okay it made me type in text so i put ok
J jer6969 Registered User Forum Member Jan 7, 2000 627 8 18 ca, usa Aug 15, 2002 #5 it's no, not ok, I guess?
J jer6969 Registered User Forum Member Jan 7, 2000 627 8 18 ca, usa Aug 15, 2002 #6 and thanks sdf!!!
C ChuckyTheGoat Registered User Forum Member Dec 18, 2000 2,868 6 0 Aug 15, 2002 #7 Careful. Steele uses funny #s for his record. That #'s jumped around and his play may be different than what it is now.
Careful. Steele uses funny #s for his record. That #'s jumped around and his play may be different than what it is now.
S sdf Registered User Forum Member Mar 22, 2002 1,308 67 48 Aug 15, 2002 #8 the only play ncoast has is 3* New Orleans
C ChuckyTheGoat Registered User Forum Member Dec 18, 2000 2,868 6 0 Aug 15, 2002 #9 sdf: I wasn't questioning you. I'm saying that he uses fixed lines. He may not use tonite's line on that play, even though he released it today.
sdf: I wasn't questioning you. I'm saying that he uses fixed lines. He may not use tonite's line on that play, even though he released it today.
S sdf Registered User Forum Member Mar 22, 2002 1,308 67 48 Aug 15, 2002 #10 no problem that was in response to jer6969 he could use nor +2.5 i guess that's the line it was when he gave it out sia had +3 line moved big after he gvae out the play
no problem that was in response to jer6969 he could use nor +2.5 i guess that's the line it was when he gave it out sia had +3 line moved big after he gvae out the play