I have been visiting this site for a number of years now, and to be honest, all the negativity and retardedness is what drove me to register yesterday. Some people act as if some of these cappers are obligated to post pics, some complain when they post just before kick off. If you truly value a particular cappers picks, why in the world would you do anything remotely snide, rude, or questioning. If these unreasonable a-holes keep this up, they will end up forcing some of the best cappers to quit posting all together. However, I do believe that when some of these "critics" strike, people defending others sometimes gets out of hand and only adds fuel to the fire. If people would let the target of the attack, criticism, or questioning defend/speak for themselves, things would not blow up or get quite so out of hand. This is a very solid and reputable site with some very proven and talented cappers, let's all make sure that it stays that way. Roll Tide.