Not Leaving


Packer Fan
Forum Member
Nov 15, 2000
y is everyone leaving :shrug:

Everyone's not leaving. A few people are unhappy and leaving.

Everyone has the right to read or not read others' posts.

Everyone has the right to add up wins and losses. You can do this for your own picks or for another 'cappers' picks. But, no one is obligated to aggregate and post their records.

Many people have very nicely noted errors in math, commented and the errors get corrected.

Questioning another person's integrity disrupts the central purpose of Madjack's: Winning and helping others win.

Anonymous rudeness and insults help no one. If you're good at handicapping, please post. If you have no 'capping skills (like me) read, lurk, comment and say "thank you."



Packer Fan
Forum Member
Nov 15, 2000
Loop, old friend, I read your post--especially the second--and literally laughed out loud.

Thanks. I wonder where the hell Cow is these days. And, where have YOU been?



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
hey guys, i"m alive and well and living in eastern carolina. got married (again) and me and the new family are living in a rental house after losing our home on the inner banks of the pamlico sound to the hurricane irene storm surge. still going through the insurance adjustment wars but hoping to wrap it up, bulldoze and start rebuilding soon. just the price of living in paradise.

have been having a decent football season so i will try to throw something up over the weekend and renew old friendships. let's try to get everyone back on the same team again and bring the "family" feeling back to madjacks.

jack and ie -- lets catch up.
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Not banned
Forum Member
Dec 13, 2000
Decatur, GA USA
hey guys, i"m alive and well and living in eastern carolina. got married (again) and me and the new family are living in a rental house after losing our home on the inner banks of the pamlico sound to the hurricane irene storm surge. still going through the insurance adjustment wars but hoping to wrap it up, bulldoze and start rebuilding soon. just the price of living in paradise.

have been having a decent football season so i will try to throw something up over the weekend and renew old friendships. let's try to get everyone back on the same team again and bring the "family" feeling back to madjacks.

jack and ie -- lets catch up.

Hey Loop! Great to see you around again. Very sorry to hear about the Irene aftermath. Our coastline sure has suffered in the past decade or so with storm surges.

Hope that everything goes well, and I REALLY hope to see you around. You are one of the original guys I remember following closely when I was a newbie :)


Forum Member
Nov 2, 2011
Moody, Alabama
I have been visiting this site for a number of years now, and to be honest, all the negativity and retardedness is what drove me to register yesterday. Some people act as if some of these cappers are obligated to post pics, some complain when they post just before kick off. If you truly value a particular cappers picks, why in the world would you do anything remotely snide, rude, or questioning. If these unreasonable a-holes keep this up, they will end up forcing some of the best cappers to quit posting all together. However, I do believe that when some of these "critics" strike, people defending others sometimes gets out of hand and only adds fuel to the fire. If people would let the target of the attack, criticism, or questioning defend/speak for themselves, things would not blow up or get quite so out of hand. This is a very solid and reputable site with some very proven and talented cappers, let's all make sure that it stays that way. Roll Tide.


Forum Admin
Forum Member
Mar 15, 1999
sorry to hear about your home loop,

congrats on the marriage

east carolina catching 9.0 total of 58 (thoughts)

don't be a stranger if you can help it.



Staff member
Forum Admin
Super Moderators
Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
hey guys, i"m alive and well and living in eastern carolina. got married (again) and me and the new family are living in a rental house after losing our home on the inner banks of the pamlico sound to the hurricane irene storm surge. still going through the insurance adjustment wars but hoping to wrap it up, bulldoze and start rebuilding soon. just the price of living in paradise.

have been having a decent football season so i will try to throw something up over the weekend and renew old friendships. let's try to get everyone back on the same team again and bring the "family" feeling back to madjacks.

jack and ie -- lets catch up.

Hey Steve, long time. I have emailed you many times but you must have more emails than ex wives :lol:

Gesus, dude, how many wives have you had :shrug:

Good luck on this one and sorry to hear about the house.

I always look forward to your college hoops :toast:


Staff member
Forum Admin
Super Moderators
Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
I have been visiting this site for a number of years now, and to be honest, all the negativity and retardedness is what drove me to register yesterday. Some people act as if some of these cappers are obligated to post pics, some complain when they post just before kick off. If you truly value a particular cappers picks, why in the world would you do anything remotely snide, rude, or questioning. If these unreasonable a-holes keep this up, they will end up forcing some of the best cappers to quit posting all together. However, I do believe that when some of these "critics" strike, people defending others sometimes gets out of hand and only adds fuel to the fire. If people would let the target of the attack, criticism, or questioning defend/speak for themselves, things would not blow up or get quite so out of hand. This is a very solid and reputable site with some very proven and talented cappers, let's all make sure that it stays that way. Roll Tide.

If you have been visiting this site for many years then you should know this goes on every single year, never fails.

I even have to remind IE that this shit has been going on since 1998, nothing has changed except we have more people posting.

The more people you have, the better chance there will be personality conflicts. I learned to live with it a long time ago. :0008


Forum Member
Nov 2, 2011
Moody, Alabama
You are correct Mr. Jack. I am just attempting to provide a virgin voice to an age-old issue, and invite those others that are/were like me that follow but have never registered or posted to bring a fresh and unifying voice that maybe in some way will be the catalyst of change, if not to all, at least a select few. I know that's very idealistic and foolish of me to believe that it will actually happen, but call me hopelessly optimistic.


Staff member
Forum Admin
Super Moderators
Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
You are correct Mr. Jack. I am just attempting to provide a virgin voice to an age-old issue, and invite those others that are/were like me that follow but have never registered or posted to bring a fresh and unifying voice that maybe in some way will be the catalyst of change, if not to all, at least a select few. I know that's very idealistic and foolish of me to believe that it will actually happen, but call me hopelessly optimistic.

And welcome aboard :toast:


Registered User
Forum Member
May 1, 2005
The Heartland
If you have been visiting this site for many years then you should know this goes on every single year, never fails.

I even have to remind IE that this shit has been going on since 1998, nothing has changed except we have more people posting.

The more people you have, the better chance there will be personality conflicts. I learned to live with it a long time ago. :0008

I would imagine that there are always going to be personality conflicts, but from what I have seen the majority of the time it seems someone from what I would consider the "old guard" enters into an argument and then all of the old guard cronies hop in to defend their buddy and attack the outsider. JMO
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