Fletch, Many, many years ago, when I was much more foolish than I am now, I invested, sight unseen, (with a large group of investors) in a 485 acre parcel in the west section of Henderson, Nevada. I haven't heard from the Realty company in some time, that's why I requested the info from you. At any rate, I did speak with someone yesterday and was told that the property is adjacent to Del Webb's "Anthem" development in Henderson. That's the ONLY good news. The reality of the matter is that this 485 acre parcel is very hilly and is still unaccessible. The way I figure it is that if land developers can ever get approval for "stone age cave dwellings" where the residents use Hang Gliders rather than road vehicles, my great, great, great grandchildren may benefit from my investment. BTW, thanks again for the quick reply in providing those phone numbers.