2012 Tennis Record
Parlay 33-89
Head to Head 45-47
Over/Under 5-3
Game Spread 19-13
Prop 3-3
Futures 0-8
+10.37 units
Paolo Lorenzi beat Alejandro Gonzalez
Maria Kirilenko beat Nadia Petrova
odds = $2.66 (+166) *1 unit
The Lorenzi match is from the Seguros Bolivar Challenger in Medellin, Colombia
Parlay 33-89
Head to Head 45-47
Over/Under 5-3
Game Spread 19-13
Prop 3-3
Futures 0-8
+10.37 units
Paolo Lorenzi beat Alejandro Gonzalez
Maria Kirilenko beat Nadia Petrova
odds = $2.66 (+166) *1 unit
The Lorenzi match is from the Seguros Bolivar Challenger in Medellin, Colombia