My wife just a letter from Gov Cuomo here in Austin calling for her to unretire as a nurse and go back to her hospital in NY.. a huge bonus would be awaiting her.. they need nurses so bad in NY.. I guess he got a list of all the nurses that have retired the past 2 or 3 years in NY...
My wife has no intention of going back... after 41 years in NY being a native Texan she is here for good .. I love Austin ? even though these are crazy times we should hook up for lunch sometime I live in southwest austin near the convict hill...not sure what part of austin you live daughter teaches and lives at Mills off Escarpent but my son lives over in Meuller across town...when this virus ends if it ever will end, we should hook up for some barb-q..they sent me out to Rudys the other night for take out.... it cost about $85 dollars but it feed 8 adults .. by the time I got home I had eaten a few ribs .. my daughter thought they shorted us out of the order seeing some ribs were missing.. but I fessed up.. on Mopac I grabbed a few...
be careful On friday morning all my raquetball buddies did take out at dans and all ate in the randalls parking lot on Mancheck..we had all our cars in a circle 20 feet apart of my buddies bought a few chairs and tables..I miss playing racquetball everyday you take care and be careful