NY overturns 19 year ban on UFC fights


Say Parlay
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Kansas City area for who knows how long....
from the article here:

Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee spoke first on the bill once it was brought to the floor, lashing out about the violent nature of the sport.

?Cage fighting, or mixed martial arts as it is called, has no place in a civilized society,? she said. ?New York should continue to ban mixed martial arts.?

Assemblyman Charles Barron referenced slaves fighting in cages and police brutality in making his case against passage of the bill.

Assemblyman Daniel O?Donnell, the older brother of TV personality Rosie O?Donnell, went a step further.

?You have two nearly naked hot men rolling around on top of each other,? he said. ?That?s gay porn with a different ending.?


Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
Yep! But on the other hand they are looking to pass a bill for free injection sites for herion users!

You read some of these comments and then you see the other shit they have going on and it makes you wonder wtf these people think about on a daily basis?


Say Parlay
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Kansas City area for who knows how long....
going even farther - provide free pure medical heroin and free treatment at the supervised public injection sites - and then your big problem down the road is now the small and dwindling number of addicts left, all old people, who complain the government keeps them addicted and out of sight...

from article here "Only in the Netherlands Do Addicts Complain About Free Government Heroin":

It was in the 1990s when the Netherlands started a program that provides long-term addicts with free government heroin.

In practice, this means that addicts are allowed to inject or smoke heroin three times a day in a solemn, no frills room in a building run by municipal health services.

Combined with a specified care program, it has been responsible for almost the complete disappearance of heroin addicts from public view.

In the United States, heroin is on the rise like it's 1983, while an ever-shrinking group of Dutch addicts is only getting smaller and older.

Heroin use under the age of 40 is practically non-existent, according to Amsterdam's health services.

But some addicts who are actively supplied with free heroin are now openly complaining about the program. Using free heroin has become so easy for them, they feel like society has given up on them.

Far from public sight, they are supplied with lab-synthesized heroin, more pure than anything they?ve ever smoked or injected before.

Criminal behavior among the group has plunged since the start of the program, but the addicts feel like they?ve been flushed down the toilet by the Dutch public ? addicted forever, out of sight and out of mind.
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