a few years ago? I was taking it that this was a new problem. Sounds like u really might have some serious problems there. Problems sitting and not being able to stand up straight are problems that I had too. Have u been to the doctor? Have u been diagnosed with anything? Have u had tests?
If u haven't been to the doctor, u need to go. You can get worked up with xrays (an xray will not show if u have a disc bulging, but it will show a narrowing of the disc space if it is present which will require further testing) then maybe an mri.
If your disc is just bulging and not ruptured, then I would suggest several things before surgery. Physical therapy followed by a home program of exercises that u do everyday, anti-inflammatory/arthritis medication (such as Celebrex, Vioxx, or mobic), and if u are overweight, dieting.
If u do have a ruptured disc, or several that are bulging and it is decided that u need surgery, I would go to a neurosurgeon and not an orthopedic surgeon. Discs (neck and back) are bread and butter for the neuro guys, and generally, a larger percentage of their work compared to the ortho surgeons.
Let me know what u do. I sympathize with anybody who has this problem. I had a ruptured disc with what are referred to as "free fragments" floating around. I had involvement in my legs (numbness, tingling, pain), and my problem wasn't going to fix itself. Also, my line of work requires me to have a strong back. I also am very active in sports, and I have young kids, so I didn't want to never be able to do anything again. Good luck.