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May 8, 2008
Maybe it?s never too early think ahead to the next election.

With Pennsylvania certain to be a so-called ?battleground state? again in 2012, Barack Obama got a head start on currying favor with at least half of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by declaring his allegiance to the Steelers for Super Bowl XLIII.

At least that?s what Steelers owner Dan Rooney said earlier this week.

?He said it, and all his staff, they?re rooting for us,? Rooney told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (via Newsday).

It?s no surprise; Rooney supported Obama fervently and aggressively during the election, and Cardinals owner Bill Bidwill backed Arizona native son, John McCain.

Of course, there?s a chance that Obama?s figurative waving of a Terrible Towel could rile up the Cards.

?We know that everything is on the line and that [President] Obama actually wants Pittsburgh to win,? Cardinals defensive tackle Darnell Dockett said during Media Day. ?That?s kind of crazy when the President wants another team to win, but again we?ve been against all odds this season and I?m pretty sure that [Coach Whisenhunt] will come up with a great game plan and we?ll be ready on Sunday.?

Though we?re officially neutral on this whole Super Bowl rooting thing, we?d kind of like to see the Cardinals pay a visit to the White House to give Obama a ceremonial jersey, with a side of humble pie.