2007 Tennis Record
Parlay 7-4
Head to Head 23-23
Over/Under 1-1
Game Spread 3-3
+8.29 units
Pauline Parmentier (female)
Olga Govortsova (female)
David Ferrer
odds =$2.95 *3 units
really like this parlay, ummmmm....not really sure what that means....but I like it :142smilie
Parlay 7-4
Head to Head 23-23
Over/Under 1-1
Game Spread 3-3
+8.29 units
Pauline Parmentier (female)
Olga Govortsova (female)
David Ferrer
odds =$2.95 *3 units
really like this parlay, ummmmm....not really sure what that means....but I like it :142smilie