Originally posted by kaoboy:
This guy Cohen blew it by coming back to the
states to see his family and he was subsequently picked up.
Simply not true. Federal prosecutors charged 22 people in 1998. Jay Cohen was the only one thus far to voluntarily return to the United States, plead not guilty, and demand his day in court.
A very different picture of what you paint.
As far as impacting internet offshore wagering, no effect and business as usual. The U.S. does not have jurisdiction over these foreign operating entities. The penalty now appears to be if you as a U.S. citizen and go offshore, you may not be able to return without severe penalty. Talk about unconstitutional. It's a sad day when someone can't go to another country set up a legal business in that country and then face repercussion. The fallout is in part due to the fact that the U.S. Government cannot control offshore/internet wagering from a user standpoint, which its attempt by our Government is a clear violation of our civil rights. Once they set a precedent, whats to stop them from the "next thing" that some narrow minded individual who bought his way into office of prohibiting of whats not good for us as a society? The whole action and effort disgusts me. Thus far I have'nt come across one of these crusading politicians that is against internet wagering who is also totally committed to stopping all forms of gambling, Vegas, riverboats, lotteries, horse-racing, dog-racing, bingo and whatever. Plain and simple they are hypocrites in the truest form of the word and what it breaks down to whose pocket the moneys ends up in.
While any of the people who did go offshore to provide a service that clearly the mass public wants did so for their own profit. It's not them that deserve any distain. Jay Cohen didn't get nabbed by some lucky cop, he turned himself in and chose to fight for his business. He didn't blow anything, someone had to force the issue and thus far he's the only one that has stepped to the plate and doesn't deserve the flippant remark of something you may have remembered from 60 minutes.