Oh No...benitez Coming In

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Mar 18, 2003
Long Island, New York
That POS did someting right today, it was all my hate letters telling him one more blown save and he won't see tomorrow. Plus the mets probably hung up him upside down while in the plane coming from puerto rico. Then they have the nerve to tell us he's a sensitive man..I'll give him something to be sensative about!

Vegas Dave

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Jul 23, 2002
How about Billy Koch? Even Benitez looks like a shining star compared to Billy Koch. Can you believe Oakland gave up Eric Hinske for him? Koch only has two pitches, hard and harder, and he single handedly will be the reason why the White Sox won't do anything this year.

And if you think these guys stink, wait until Kelvim Escobar actually gets some spotlight because he is worse than both of these guys (although its debatable).
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001

I think Philly Fan will have a time with Jose Mesa by the seasons end....especially if they find themselves in a pennant race...

and also the friendly Boston fans....their manager will age 10 years with that bullpen by committee...

Then theres aforementioned Koch, Escobar, and Benitez....those guys are bad firemen....dont see why a team doesnt pay top $$ for a guy like Dotel to be closer...I think this guy is the best in the game right now out of the pen

Vegas Dave

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Jul 23, 2002
How could I forget about Jose Mesa????

God he stinks. But I'm telling you, I don't know what kind of smoke and mirrors our management used to make Koch look attractive but I hope they can do the same for Escobar. Every close game is an adventure with him. I think last game he went for 0.0 innings, 2 or 3 walks, couple of hits and I think 3 earned runs. I guess I focus on him most since he is the closer of my hometown Jays, but I can imagine Mesa and the other clowns being the same.

Other guys that make me sweat is Jorge Julio, Juan Acevado is just awful, and I know that Milwaukee and Florida have some real suspect guys.....