OK GUYS, here's a CLASSIC post

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Camelot Sportsbook

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Forum Member
Ok, I am taking my first day out of the office in 3 months...it is my 1st Wedding Anniversary. Me and the wife are taking a boat to a nearby island to play the only first rate Golf Course in Belize.

This got me thinking...

What if I offered betting on what I would shoot? So we put up an over/under on my total score (78) and you guys can bet between $10 and $50 at the Camelot website www.betcamelot.com

We tee off before noon, but since nobody can find out how I am doing, you can bet until 5 PM Eastern Time. I have already consulted a pair of bookmakers from Central New York who are familiar with my game and one set the line at 78 and the other at 80...offended by the 80, I selected 78.

Now some tips on how to wager...


1. Once upon a time, Mark was a scratch golfer or better.

2. In high school, Mark was All-New York state in Golf and was on his way to a very promising College Golf career until the ravages of women, alcohol and bookmaking (not necessarily in that order) took a HEAVY toll on his Golf career.

3. Up until 10 years ago, if Mark did not break 80 it was a shocking event.


1. Mark has been so busy with the sportsbook that he has not played a SINGLE round of Golf in the year 2001. Not one...

2. His game has slipped considerably in recent years now that he rarely plays and the fact that he is pretty much a fat f*ck compared to what he looked like in his prime.

3. To quote a bookie from Central New York, "Hey kid, your iron game is still great, but it's pretty hard to make pars when you hit your driver in the f*ckin' woods and water all day long."

OK guys, those are the facts and the limits on this are VERY small, so it's all for fun. I personally would be shocked if I didn't break 80, but that could be my ego talking.

I hope you have some fun debating this on the boards while I'm gone...I leave for the boat in about 1 hour.

Mark D. www.betcamelot.com


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Mark, i'm in
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Registered User
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Feb 26, 2001
Hasn't played for 6 months. Gotta believe he hasn't practiced much either.One or two wayward drives, a couple three putts, sounds like an over to me. Here's hoping for some tough pin placements.


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Apr 18, 2001
Oxford, England
As usual, you're concentrationg on the men's tour...when will you set comprehensive lines for the tour that matters.
In other words, what will your good lady score, I only bet seriously on the LPGA!!!
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Camelot Sportsbook

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Forum Member
OK guys, I am back from my Golf trip. Before I tell the score, should I give you a hole by hole and keep you in suspense, or just blurt out the score and grade the plays???

By the way, someone asked how much we took on this bet...I am truly shocked...the response was immense. We took dozens of bets on both sides of the event (almost perfectly balanced no less) for a total of just over $1,500 in action!!!

We got some great people playing with us to bet on this...we MUST do this every time I play now and I also like the idea of head to head matchups with other bookies and players for the future!!!

So hole by hole or just blurt it out...

Hint...it was very, very close...
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Camelot Sportsbook

Registered User
Forum Member

Sorry about that...I made a 4-footer on #18 to avoid the dreaded tie. The action was split 50/50 it was amazing how many of our clients bet on this. In the future, I think we'll have more events like this for very small limits...maybe where I play against one of our clients when they come to visit in Belize as part of our promotional deal that includes the free trip here.

Thanks for playing...next time you may see me blow up...who knows.
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