OK not for nothing but all these sitters is all same old same o0ld since the 50's


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
RACISM supreme it's all Blacks sitting and when Trent dilfer spoke out in front of Randy Moss WOW if looks could kill.

Heres Pic of wide eyed snarling Randy


ADDING this 500 of thier own kind have BEEN shot n some killed dead by other blacks in CHICAGO !!!!

Thats MORE Blacks than all police shooting in USA!

GO Kneel down in chicago you fucking pos BET You start standing up and running like Rabbits when one of them thugs of your OWN Race comes after you.

Cause HE Knows YOU got MONEY.

BUT NO ya do it nice n safe like pussies on the NFL Field when your IN uniform ON The J O B :142smilie

IF YOU cared truly YOU would go out n help the so called oppresed criminals.

ADDING this you dumb fucks DID the whitey people all go and riot loot burn buildings after JFK was killed NO!!!!

DID Whitey GO Wacko after Ronald Reagan was shot ...............NMFW.

DID whitey go nuts after the POPE was shot NO

DID whitey GO ape shit after the lovely Princess Diane was Killed NOPE!

BOOOOOOOOOM the sound of the Mike hitting the stage as i walk off!



Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
RACISM supreme it's all Blacks sitting and when Trent dilfer spoke out in front of Randy Moss WOW if looks could kill.

Heres Pic of wide eyed snarling Randy


ADDING this 500 of thier own kind have BEEN shot n some killed dead by other blacks in CHICAGO !!!!

Thats MORE Blacks than all police shooting in USA!

GO Kneel down in chicago you fucking pos BET You start standing up and running like Rabbits when one of them thugs of your OWN Race comes after you.

Cause HE Knows YOU got MONEY.

BUT NO ya do it nice n safe like pussies on the NFL Field when your IN uniform ON The J O B :142smilie

IF YOU cared truly YOU would go out n help the so called oppresed criminals.

ADDING this you dumb fucks DID the whitey people all go and riot loot burn buildings after JFK was killed NO!!!!

DID Whitey GO Wacko after Ronald Reagan was shot ...............NMFW.

DID whitey go nuts after the POPE was shot NO

DID whitey GO ape shit after the lovely Princess Diane was Killed NOPE!

BOOOOOOOOOM the sound of the Mike hitting the stage as i walk off!


Your irrelevant (but interesting) examples of Princess Dianna/Ronald Reagan got me pondering an analogy from the other side of the fence. Call it a thought experiment:

If desperate Jews killed each other on board trains to Auschwitz, would that mean protesting/resisting the Holocaust was wrong?
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