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Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2002
It really hasn't been a bad baseball year, but, there is one team that has cost me this year. The RED SOX... Bad beats, run line loses, etc.

I finally quit playing any game involving the Red Sox about six weeks ago.... Now this:

When they go down 3 games, I'm thinking, boy this is nice, I won't have to see these guys anymore.... Red Sox win, Red Sox win, Red Sox win....

Now, my wife (who is no sports fan) for the past three nights is in front of the big screen yelling like a teenager, for, THE RED SOX......

ENOUGH!!! A man can only take soooo much...
Here's my plan.....

Give me 3,000 on the Red Sox to win over 4,500.

One of two things will happen, if the Red Sox screw me (yes, again) and lose, I will be put out of my Red Sox misery for the year and will not have to listen to a 45 year old woman yell and scream during the World Series....
However, if the Red Sox win; I will be making a withdrawal from CRIS; have reservations on America West airlines at 7am Friday morning, and I'm going to Vegas baby. There's no way, I'm going to have to listen to a 45 year old scream like a teenager for the next week. Just give me a racing form, a buffet breakfast, and a comfy seat for the week.....
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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 18, 2003
GL on the play Raybo...my girlfriends the same way...manny manny manny....rah rah rah...can't wait til it's over and I hope it's in your favor...I'm sick of the yanks!!

P.S. GL in VEGAS!!!!
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2002
I want to say thanks guys for all the kind words and encouragement...
After an inning and a half, looks like Vegas baby....
Wife, once again in front of the screen, laughing and yelling...
I shouldn't say much about her, she's been a great girl all these years. I may have finally done something right concerning the Red Sox (but an inning and a half isn't what pays off, got a ways to go).
If I do end up in Vegas, I'll find a way to post those late phone plays on Sat. and Sunday....
Hope no ones going to get hurt too bad tonight..... Take care guys...
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