Olbermann's callout of Bush(in case you missed it)

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Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Sorry if this upsets most of the conservative patriots :)142smilie ).

Take the 10 mins to watch it. Well worth it.


I am just glad someone in the national media has the ballz to so blantantly call Bush out.

Well done Keith, well done. To think he started out as a SportsCenter anchor.....doing us all proud.
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Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Would have never seen that coming,whats next Jesse Jackson calls out whitey. Is this really surprising:shrug:

Surprising? No. Just like all the constant attacks on Dems is not surprising by the Right.

Its something that should be heard, it needs to be said.

Typical response of a Republican, if its not what you want to hear or if it goes against your thoughts or whatever just completely dismiss it as fodder.

Are you a Bush defender?

Bush should do the right thing & resign.
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on probation
Dec 30, 2006
Keith has an utter hatred towards bush. He can't do anything right in that mans mind. Funny thing about msnbc and these other shows who bash o rielly ( as well). They use Oriellys name to draw ratings, foxnews ratings dwarf these other cable news channels and its not even close.
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Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Keith has an utter hatred towards bush.

Do you blame him? :shrug:

No one said anything about news ratings, but if you want to mention it..can you explain Foxes constant decline since 05 in the ratings? Dwarf is far from accurate...seems fitting.
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on probation
Dec 30, 2006
I like Keith. I am just sayin he is far from partisan. The ratings have gone down. Maybe its because of O Rileys self promotion on every show. Or Greta always looking for a missing girl... :shrug:

It was a good listen though, I think Bush sucks and Im right wing.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I like Keith. I am just sayin he is far from partisan. The ratings have gone down. Maybe its because of O Rileys self promotion on every show. Or Greta always looking for a missing girl... :shrug:

It was a good listen though, I think Bush sucks and Im right wing.

Did Kieth or did Keith not blast the Democrats when they pulled their lame bullshit and gave Bush the money to continue this wreck of a war? His response was just as nasty as this. Maybe he just wants the truth. Something that just seems to be a big problem in this country. People who can't figure out the truth if it was handed to them on a bible.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 29, 2005
Long Beach, California
Keith has an utter hatred towards bush. He can't do anything right in that mans mind. Funny thing about msnbc and these other shows who bash o rielly ( as well). They use Oriellys name to draw ratings, foxnews ratings dwarf these other cable news channels and its not even close.

who doesn't hate bush? :mj07:

That o'reilly comment is an assumption. Here is my assumption: O'Reilly is only popular because Fox News is dumbed down and SHOCK news appeals to the Red states and blue states together. THey are epitome of fake slanted BS. O'Reilly calls it a no-spin zone, yea right, let your guest speak and stop stealing the camera time and RAISING your voice thinking that loudness and bold speech somewhat equals truth. :nono:


yankee hater
Forum Member
Jul 1, 2004
I liked the "which one is the ventriloquist and which one is the dummy" although that's not too hard to figure out...


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
People who can't figure out the truth if it was handed to them on a bible.

Everyone hates a liar and nobody likes the truthteller.

You're a tough crowd to please.


I believe the bible is the undisputed word of God and Jesus Christ is the savior of all mankind.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Really can't disagree with anything that he said

theres a revelation...

the man`s problem is fox's mastery of the cable universe he believes should be his.....this espn flunkie....

olbermann:"i've never, ever seen anything like this in my 46 years on this planet."

makes you wonder how many years he spent on the "other" planet?

and those sally jesse refael glasses?....:nooo:


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yeah, it's really impressive that Fox News has such a dominance in the cable ratings (except for most daily unique viewers, which CNN has maintained quite easily during the Fox "run."). Hard to believe that all it takes to have more viewers is to have your rich owner, Mr. Murdoch, pay a cable company $12 per viewer to put your shows on their system. Let's see, I'm a cable system owner, trying to decide on what programming to put on my system, hoping to make money, and some guy comes along and pays ME $12 per viewer to put his show on my system? You mean I don't even have to pay HIM? Wow, that decision doesn't seem so hard, does it? And now, look at Fox News, on all those cable systems. I like to watch it, too, to see what the republican talking points are, to see what garbage and untruths O'Reilly or Hannity might spew out for effect, and last but not least...the BABES that give me the news. WOW, are they HOT!!! I don't even care WHAT the news is...just let me watch Fox News with the sound turned off...just LOOK at the HOTTIES!!!

Yeah, quite a story you have here...Fox News is on a lot of cable systems. Wonder why...just the message, right?
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Yeah, it's really impressive that Fox News has such a dominance in the cable ratings (except for most daily unique viewers, which CNN has maintained quite easily during the Fox "run."). Hard to believe that all it takes to have more viewers is to have your rich owner, Mr. Murdoch, pay a cable company $12 per viewer to put your shows on their system.

"most daily "unique" viewers"?.......that sounds about right...lol

from what i`ve read,this wasn`t his first weepy, disjointed howl....this stuff belongs on a bathroom wall,not on a network news show...

it was so emotional and self-indulgent it was like a monty python satire....

he`s a psychological basket case...on his espn departure:

"" I have lived much of my life assuming much of the responsibility for people around me and developing a dread of being blamed for things going wrong. Moreover, deep down inside I've always believed that everybody around me was qualified and competent, and I wasn't, and that some day I'd be found out....

(he believes that he`s not qualiifed,everyone around him is,yet assumes responsiblity for everyone around him?)

If you think that way, when somebody messes up, you can't imagine that it just "happened." Since they're so much better than you are, how could they not complete a task successfully? They have to be not trying hard enough -- and when they don't try and the show goes to hell, who gets blamed? You do. "

theres a word for people like this....."douchebag"...


Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"most daily "unique" viewers"?

Interpretation--non working class

on Oberman--if he wasn't infamous celler dweller on prime times news no one would know him.

Only thing I can remember was his rant on Gibsons (don't care for him) ratings on Fox and I see despite gibson adverse time slot he's still thumping obersnauzer.

newest ratings out


Tuesday, Jul 03
Q2 #'s: Program Ranker
Fox News posted double digit gains in primetime in the second quarter, and the Q2 program ranker shows the network's dominance.

The O'Reilly Factor delivered 442,000 demo viewers in the quarter, compared to 394,000 in Q2 2006 (PDF). Hannity & Colmes averaged 371,000 demo viewers, compared to 332,000 last year. And On The Record with Greta Van Susteren posted a 25 percent increase, from 306,000 in Q2 '06 to 381,000 this quarter -- adding to the show's lead-in.

now to be fair they did have a little on ober in write up also--

"Fueled by high-profile crimes and missing persons cases, Nancy Grace topped both Keith Olbermann and Paula Zahn in total viewers and the demo in June. "