olympic gaming thoughts?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2001
Southern Ca
anyone? maybe a waste of time and money but might make the games that much more interesting.:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 24, 2000
Adelaide Australia

Betting on the Olympics and winning is a very hard thing to do. I explain a little story about why.

Back in 1996 Centrebet, an Australian Bookmaker, offered betting on the Atlanta Olympics as a bit of fun and never thought anyone would be interested. The book got hammered by a number of smart people and lost quite a bit on the Olympics. Ever since they have employed experts to study form over the past 2 years for every event and set to the odds for the Olympics and it has being increasingly harder to find value.

I tried my luck in the 2000 Olympics and lost money because I didn't have enough knowledge of certian sports and backed too many favorites. If you want to place a few bets for fun that's fine but don't expect to make money out of it. I learnt my lesson in 2000 and will have few, if any bets on this Winter Olympics.

If you want a prediction of possible placings as guide for betting visit:
CBS Olympic Predictions

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Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 24, 2000
Adelaide Australia

I didn't mean to make it sound impossible to make money from the Olympics but it isn't something you want to do for fun as you will definitely lose money this way as you will end up backing only favorites as you will end up using the odds to guide your betting rather than research.

It is obvious from the picks you have posted that you have a great knowledge of the events or have done extensive research and therefore know which favorites are good value and are one of the few that is likely to make money.
