Actually, the business owners should all get together and lay off 10% of the workforce until the following happens:
1) All Bush tax cuts get extended permantly
2) Obamacare is totally repealed.
Business owners are by far the most important voice in America - not the liberal elite. If there are no jobs, America is destroyed.
Of course, business's opinion of regulations and taxes is critical. Much more important that Freddie Freeloader's vote to increase his benefits, or more laughably, to increase SOMEONE ELSE'S taxes.
That is such a rich argument made my Obama - I have a mandate to increase taxes on the rich, since I got 50% of the popular vote. Of course, 47% of the country that doesn't pay federal income taxes don't care if you raise taxes on successful people - it doesn't affect them!
Our country is well past the "tipping point" - where many more than the majority of citizens depend on the government to provide for them OR are employed by the government. Of course they aren't going to care about the country, or the debt, or unemployment - they are only going to care about who butters their bread. Same with union folks.
Business leaders are the only ones who have the power to stop the entitlement state. IF they stand up and say "Hell No!", we can return our country to one that allows everyone the chance to succeed, but not cater to people that do not have the work ethic to actually do so.
If we can bump the unemployment rate into the mid teens, maybe we can get someone to listen.
Business - it is clear that you want change from the last 4 years (and what appears to be another shitty 4 years). Business has the power to do it. Some already are taking the correct steps. Kudos to those companies who have the balls to take on Obama and his Chicago henchmen in the White House.