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Mar 15, 1999
By David Rockwell, GCSports Group

?Yeah?ob-la-di ob-la-da?life goes on bra - La-la how the life goes on?.?

For anyone who missed the baseball bandwagon in August let me just take a moment to say THANK GOD! It was cruel and unusual, a time warp distorted nightmare where legions of players simply bet the favorite and then cued up at the window to collect their winnings. If you think I?m exaggerating it?s because you weren?t there, the players who were know exactly what I?m talking about. Our celebrity player of the month hails from South Carolina and managed, with the simple yet effective system of betting every favorite everyday, to turn $600 into almost $500,000! That?s right not a typo???. 5 HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!?.no bull!.........so those of you who say that it can never be done, let me assure you that it was and anything is possible?so keep the faith!?.. Just as impressive was a good ?ol boy from Colorado who?s $30 deposit yielded a return of $20 grand. I could go on and on but quite frankly it makes me queasy.

Don?t get me wrong we don?t begrudge our players cashing out a nice payday here and there. The pendulum must swing both ways for our enterprise to function, but this was a slaughter, like carving a thanksgiving turkey with a chainsaw. I cannot describe the bewildered shock on the faces of our line managers as they came in day after day and watched our players win at an impossible 80% clip. Oh they put on a brave face at first, after all people do win and even a blind dog finds a bone once in awhile, but it wasn?t long before the mask began to slip.

Our Sportsbook director, Jimmy Mason, said he was ?reliving the same day over and over again like some bizarre remake of the movie Ground Hog Day?. These were the days that test a man?s mettle, where you do a gut check every morning, dig in and take a stand knowing that the mathematics have got to kick in sooner and hopefully not later. After all you can?t keep breaking eggs without eventually making an omelet. We were locked in battle with chaos personified. Monkeys on a typewriter pounding out Shakespeare while butterflies on steroids flapped their wings and the hurricanes start rolling in on Florida like Grand Central Station on the last stop to hell. Grim faces betrayed the frayed and serrated edges of our wits as we slipped further into the shadows of the twilight zone.

Just when we thought we might never have a winning day again a miracle happened, the miracle of Football! The great emancipator descended in all of its benevolence to pull us back into the light. The fog cleared, the veil was lifted and the world regained its equilibrium. I love the first few weeks of football, like a hybrid of the extended family we roll out the welcome mat for the old familiar names as well as the new ones. There?s a real spirit of fraternity in the air a feeling like everyone?s getting on the bus and ready for the 6month road trip that lies ahead.

I love it when players call up like they?re in their usual restaurant ordering their favorite meal. ?Hey Rock, how are ya??well I?m back again what do you got for me? Ok, gimme a good guy football special with everything and why not supersize it? That?s right folks, Dave Rockwell the good time goodie guy, we got everything the betting man could ask for and a whole lot more. So come on in and join the party!

David Rockwell is a VIP Host for the GCSports Group that includes:

mybookie.com betcom.com parlaybook.com


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Oct 12, 2000
They should be winning and whining even more after last night.

Chalk goes wins every game but 2.

I had 7 dogs (pretty stupid), and won 1 (pitt).

Big props goto Colorado (nice gag), KC (nice pen), Texas (bases loaded 0 outs = 0 runs), Wsox (3 hits all game for det, can't hit gas cans either), Seattle (why bother coming back?), Montreal (bats are ice cold, no chance)

I totally believe a lot of people are getting richer playing baseball chalk, I lose everytime I play a big chalk though
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