One final thought....I hope

Man O' Vegas

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 29, 2001
Las Vegas, Nev
I've read and wrote in this forum for the past couple of days and have a thought before we get geared up to do what we do best in this community.

I've read a wide range of opinions, some predictable, some not so predictable, and some I'm still scratching my head after reading. I hope that we here are representative of what is great about free societies, we've had opinions and opinions about other peoples opinions, but in the end we can come together with a common purpose.

Now, a purpose that might seem trivial to 70% of the world that doesn't have the first clue about what we do here, or the work that goes into it, but nonetheless it's what we do, and there aren't a whole lot of people on this planet that can do this kind of work.

I think the best tribute to those killed, is to not let the acts of an ignorant, backwards ideology effect who we are and how we conduct ourselves. That element needs to be eliminated at it's source. Remember yes, but I think it's time we move on, and do what we do best. Besides, "The Man" has had long enough to rest

'nuff said,

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