One more thing tonight...

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
I am not having a great night betting, but honestly, I could care less tonight. Usually I am really passionate about losing and winning, but tonight is different. I wish I had not bet on any games today, but I made my bets early this morning before the tragedy in Connecticut.

Tonight at our HS game, the audience observed a minute of silence for all those children who were killed today. We lost the game, but I can't stop thinking about all those parents that lost so much more today. Watching Kevin McHale leave the court just now after embracing KG and him starting to cry really got to me. As a parent myself, I just cannot imagine ever losing one of my kids. That would be the worst thing in the world.

Hug the people you love, and always remember the most important things in life.

I realize this is the NBA forum and maybe this doesn't belong here, but this is where I post the most, and the people that I interact with on a day to day basis, so I am posting here.
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Sep 24, 2005
I am not having a great night betting, but honestly, I could care less tonight. Usually I am really passionate about losing and winning, but tonight is different. I wish I had not bet on any games today, but I made my bets early this morning before the tragedy in Connecticut.

Tonight at our HS game, the audience observed a minute of silence for all those children who were killed today. We lost the game, but I can't stop thinking about all those parents that lost so much more today. Watching Kevin McHale leave the court just now after embracing KG and him starting to cry really got to me. As a parent myself, I just cannot imagine ever losing one of my kids. That would be the worst thing in the world.

Hug the people you love, and always remember the most important things in life.

I realize this is the NBA forum and maybe this doesn't belong here, but this is where I post the most, and the people that I interact with on a day to day basis, so I am posting here.

This type of post belongs everywhere. I don't have kids but am heartbroken for these families. I am concerned that all the news is only going to cause more brutalities like today. Its sickening.

Mr Chimples

Well said HH. Tough to concentrate on anything else today. So sad. Rushed home from work to give my little boy the biggest hug I've ever given him. I can't imagine what those families are going through.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 1, 2012
I have a kindergartener and I am a teacher. This is unreal. Could happen anywhere anytime! We are all aware of this. Pray for the families....... Tough day!


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 3, 2011
Glad you posted this! Well said......I have 3 kids and concur on all you said!:0074


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Mar 18, 2003
Grand Junction Colorado
I have 5 year old son,my pride and joy I give him lots of love everyday you just never know.I also have my daughter Kinsley Sky in Heaven.I am so sick to my stomach what those familes are going thru.In Americas prayers and thoughts
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