one play for new years


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
overall 75-69, 5-2 double plays. ok, ok, i know i have been on a bit of a slump and intended to take a break from posting until my plays came back around, but i consider this play tonight to be very strong, so i thought i would throw it up here:

n az -10 *double play*: this is an impossible situation for marist, but it is all about the money. this game was originally scheduled for thursday but was moved to tonight when espn2 offered to televise the game. for marist, this means that they played army monday night, then left at 6:00 am tuesday by bus to catch a plane in newark. from there, then fly from to phoenix, where they catch another bus for a 3 hour plus busride to flagstaff, elevation 7000 ft. without any meaningful practice on the court, they get to face n az, who just had a six game winning streak broken in a 2 point loss in portland a few days ago. n az is 4-0 at home this year, all dd wins, incuding a 16 point schooling of a talented tenn-martin team. i don't think there is any realistic chance marist can compete under these circumstances, but it will be a nice payday for the program, and hopefully for us too.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
east coast USA
like it a lot, loop, bolstered by what i suspect will also be a strong box play, just got it -9.5...also gonna hook n az w/ mich & wash st foots, hope ' 03 is good for, caper

edit add: air force-11.5 (ga southern) has me a little interested, af seems to be fairly strong @ home, any thoughts?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
caper, no opinion on the af game, line appears about right. ga southern not a bad team, and i would expect them to make some adjustments having the benfit of already playing af. also, 11- points can be a big number if the flyboys play one of their methodical games in the mid-fifties.
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