Online and in Costa Rica


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Pretty sure they have a Sportsbook here......

I may be wrong on this but I think there are some "brick and mortar" BetCris betting shops in Costa Rica, but I may be wrong on that.

Note: Most "online" CR Sportsbooks don't allow you to log in from Costa Rica.

There are some Madjackers that live/spend time in Costa Rica so they could help you more then me.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
As far as I know, there aren't any brick and mortar sports books in the San Jose area. The law here in CR isn't clear on whether in person sports betting is legal or not. For this reason, a lot of casinos won't attempt to open a sports book. If they do have one, it's usually just a one man operation that uses their space on occasion.

Hotel Cocal isn't near San Jose and is near me here in Jaco. Also, Hotel Cocal got rid of its one person sports book last year.

I know is local to the San Jose area and would be willing to take your money, maybe even in person, and then you can bet on its site or maybe over the phone.

1vice is located near San Jose too. I have done cash transactions with them before and they would probably do the same for you and then allow you to bet on their site.

Also, here in Jaco, there is a sign up at Poseidon Hotel with the number of a local bookie. If you call Poseidon Hotel, I'm sure they would give you his number.
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