Oprah Winfrey?s irresponsible mom countersues store for giving her credit

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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2008
I kid you not. This is exactly the same entitlement/victim mentality that has gotten us into the bailout mess we are in. Irresponsible spender demands limitless credit. Cries ?predatory lender? when the chickens come home to roost. Borrow. Spend. Whine. Repeat:
Oprah Winfrey?s mother should not have to pay a high-end fashion store the more than $150,000 it says it is owed because the store extended credit despite knowing her troubles managing debt, according to a new court filing.
101970Vernita Lee
Valentina Inc. sued Winfrey?s mother, Vernita Lee of Milwaukee, in July, contending that she racked up a bill of $155,547.31 in purchases and interest as of July 1. She was required to make a minimum monthly payment of $2,000 to the store, the suit says.
Mediation between the two sides failed last week, prompting Lee to file a counterclaim contending she does not owe the money.
The account is ?unconscionable, and therefore, unenforceable because Valentina knowingly and unfairly took advantage of Lee?s lack of knowledge, ability, and/or capacity when Valentina created the account,? the civil lawsuit says.
It is the second time Lee and Valentina have been in conflict over her wardrobe bill.
In 2002, Lee was ordered to pay $35,000 upfront and make monthly payments of $5,000 until another past-due bill of $174,285 was paid, according to court records.
As part of the resolution of that case, a court order dismissing the case included the phrase, ?Valentina Boutique, Inc., shall not at any time extend further store credit to the Defendant, Vernita Lee.?
The 2002 case was dismissed as long as Lee made the payments, which she did, according to the counterclaim.
Lee has had an open-ended charge account with Valentina since January 2004, according to the recent civil case.
Lee also contends that the store violated the Truth in Lending Act by not disclosing the finance charge and annual percentage rate in the account more conspicuously.

Perhaps they should have tattooed it on her forehead?

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
I kid you not. This is exactly the same entitlement/victim mentality that has gotten us into the bailout mess we are in. Irresponsible spender demands limitless credit. Cries ?predatory lender? when the chickens come home to roost. Borrow. Spend. Whine. Repeat:
Oprah Winfrey?s mother should not have to pay a high-end fashion store the more than $150,000 it says it is owed because the store extended credit despite knowing her troubles managing debt, according to a new court filing.
101970Vernita Lee
Valentina Inc. sued Winfrey?s mother, Vernita Lee of Milwaukee, in July, contending that she racked up a bill of $155,547.31 in purchases and interest as of July 1. She was required to make a minimum monthly payment of $2,000 to the store, the suit says.
Mediation between the two sides failed last week, prompting Lee to file a counterclaim contending she does not owe the money.
The account is ?unconscionable, and therefore, unenforceable because Valentina knowingly and unfairly took advantage of Lee?s lack of knowledge, ability, and/or capacity when Valentina created the account,? the civil lawsuit says.
It is the second time Lee and Valentina have been in conflict over her wardrobe bill.
In 2002, Lee was ordered to pay $35,000 upfront and make monthly payments of $5,000 until another past-due bill of $174,285 was paid, according to court records.
As part of the resolution of that case, a court order dismissing the case included the phrase, ?Valentina Boutique, Inc., shall not at any time extend further store credit to the Defendant, Vernita Lee.?
The 2002 case was dismissed as long as Lee made the payments, which she did, according to the counterclaim.
Lee has had an open-ended charge account with Valentina since January 2004, according to the recent civil case.
Lee also contends that the store violated the Truth in Lending Act by not disclosing the finance charge and annual percentage rate in the account more conspicuously.

Perhaps they should have tattooed it on her forehead?

Well, I would say this is the STORES fault as they had court orders NOT to give anymore credit, but being the predators these BIG CORPS are they did anyway, thus they should eat the charges. Nothing wrong with the company trying to get over on her, but her getting over on the company is a problem to you.
What do you do when you go to a gas station and it just happens to be owned or ran by non english speaking people, you ask for $20 or $40 and they fill the tank costing you $75 extra dollars, do you pay the amount you asked for or do you pay the total tab?


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
extend further store credit can be interpreted to mean they can't increase her existing credit limit. It doesn't say they have to close down her credit line.
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