O'Reilly's bogus coverage of the Portland peace protest


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Anybody see his 'Talking Points' today? What a jackass! He shows footage of those 15 anarchists out of the 20,000 peaceful attendees as if THEY were the rally. Very misleading and irresponsible journalism. His show is complete garbage.


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Nov 9, 2000
dear son,

i thought that we covered this issue this afternoon.

i don't know what i'm going to do with you son....why punish yourself by reading news articles about people you don't like or by viiewing news shows that annoy you....

i have an idea...read a newspaper or watch a news show that you agree with & when they mis-report something it won't upset you because you will agree with them.


a concerned dad in scottsdale.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Anybody see his 'Talking Points' today? What a jackass! He shows footage of those 15 anarchists out of the 20,000 peaceful attendees as if THEY were the rally. Very misleading and irresponsible journalism. His show is complete garbage.

I get my Fox news off of you smurph. Hopefully you don't abandon them because i will have to find another source. Look what is the difference of him doing that or digging up some professor with wacked out views acting like the guy is a liberal? That shit station preys on the weakminded and now there are 2 million people furious ready to go outside and find these 15 guys but have no clue where to look. Have they recently found any one sentence statements a poster wrote to a liberal blog making it seem like the blog is the bad apple? This stuff works with people like DTB so what can you do? Has Jack May hoffer email Billy lately. That was a name Howard Sterns clan made up and sent him a email. You have to see that one its classic watching Oreilly pronce Jack me off. Olberman runs it once in a while. On another note you see Kosars new signature? On my mothers life that is true what i said. They retracted the statement the next night or later that day.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Just wanted to make it clear that O'Reilly did not portray that rally accurate, Dad. I won't dwell on good 'ol Mr. O'Reilly because I know you have a soft spot for him .....for some strange reason.

Hey, you haven't bought any new properties yet, have you? Still more price drops coming.


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Nov 9, 2000
Just wanted to make it clear that O'Reilly did not portray that rally accurate, Dad. I won't dwell on good 'ol Mr. O'Reilly because I know you have a soft spot for him .....for some strange reason.

Hey, you haven't bought any new properties yet, have you? Still more price drops coming.

as far as i can tell none of my houses have not decreased in value from last year....they have basically stayed the same.

my buying days are over.....i want to start selling my remaing properties.hopefully a tenant in one of my houses will go through with their promise of buying the house that they are living in next year.

i would have left them to you in my will but i'm afraid that you will turn them into a safe houses for illegals.

and for the record...i can take or leave o'reilly. he has done some good work with jessica's law....but i do believe he over-reacts on some issues...& no i didn't see his taslking points tonight.
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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Which of these rally's were you at Smurph--so you can give us your take.

Which source would you like us to get our views from?

So your your upset with someone showing real photo's/footage of protest--but have no prob when liberal gets caught with doctored photo's on war--interesting.

On your 15 people--odd # the bloggers come up after they knew they had crossed the line--where do they get this #--from those that actually did the burning--what about those around that cheered?--are they any less quilty--

--and what about those that went non reported like this one--


"Perhaps the most disturbing scene of the afternoon, however, involved the man who pulled down his pants in front of women and children and defecated on a burning U.S. flag. This disgusting act actually elicited cheers from some members of the crowd, but we hope that the emotion it produces in the community is one of revulsion."

--and what about your liberal media in general--when intention print stories they KNOW to be false to undermine troops--what catagory does that out them in??? When you see Fox news doing a stunt like this--let me know--heres NYT latest of many and this doesn't tell entire story--


The New York Times Magazine published a false story on March 18 about a woman who claimed to have sustained a brain injury during military service in Iraq and to have been raped twice while in the Navy.

But the Navy says it warned the magazine that Amorita Randall may not have even been in Iraq ? before the story was printed ? a warning the Times disputes.

The Navy says it established that the woman had never been in Iraq on March 12 ? six days before the story's Sunday release.

The Times could have pulled the magazine, which had been printed, or at least put a correction in the news section of the paper. It could have changed the online version of the article. It did none of those things. Instead readers had to wait until yesterday ? a full week after the story came out ? to learn the truth.

The magazine wrote: "It is now clear that Ms. Randall did not serve in Iraq, but may have become convinced she did. If the Times had learned these facts before publication, it would not have included Ms. Randall in the article."

I do understand that most were peaceful and acknowledge that fact Smurph--and have no prob with any protest by the people--but the dem party needs to speak out against these radical elements--not bow to them when they start camping on their doorstep or they will get the birds of a feather tag in general.
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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
It is my belief that most of these loonies are actually planted by the right to discredit the protests. They get coverage, everybody links them to the protests, everybody gets disgusted with the protest. Karl Rove at his best.


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Jun 18, 2002
Say what you will but those Lefties don't seem as bad as the Righties like Timothy McVie and his Right Wing friends. Does anyone smell Karl Rove?


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Nov 9, 2000
Say what you will but those Lefties don't seem as bad as the Righties like Timothy McVie and his Right Wing friends. Does anyone smell Karl Rove?

stevie my friend...

i will meet you at the boston airport later today. there is a shrink that i want you to see who specializes in political paranoia, specifically republican paranoia. he told me that there is a gold mine in the boston area for this type of specialty since most people in mass. think karl rove is an evil person. are you up to it ?

i will contact you once i arrive in boston....stay by your phone all day. and please do me & your wife a favor stay away from fox & the ny post. and please do not under any circumstance contact my son...we have enough problems with him & illegals.

and don't worry....i'm working on contacts to find somebody in the bowling green area to treat dtb for democratic paranoia.


your friend from arizona.


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
That's why I admire you, Al. You're always trying to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


i'm jusy trying my best to help out my forum friends. paranoia is such an evil disease..i don't wish that on anybody. do you know what i mean ?


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yeah, Wayne, good point. If there's one thing we can learn from the last few days is that we can always believe what the military tells us to be accurate. Especially the really high ranking ones. Thanks for clarifying.



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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
stevie my friend...

i will meet you at the boston airport later today. there is a shrink that i want you to see who specializes in political paranoia, specifically republican paranoia. he told me that there is a gold mine in the boston area for this type of specialty since most people in mass. think karl rove is an evil person. are you up to it ?

i will contact you once i arrive in boston....stay by your phone all day. and please do me & your wife a favor stay away from fox & the ny post. and please do not under any circumstance contact my son...we have enough problems with him & illegals.

and don't worry....i'm working on contacts to find somebody in the bowling green area to treat dtb for democratic paranoia.


your friend from arizona.

Al, I only throw it out for discussion as a possibility. Certainly you are not going to pretend that what we used to call "dirty tricks" are not played by our political friends.
My favorite involved your buddy Richard Nixon. I know you did not like Nixon. Nixon had a campaign slogan and bumper stickers that said "Nixon's the One." So he shows up a some rally to speak to his conservative group of followers only to be confronted by about a hundred pregnant black women wearing Nixons the One buttons!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Not new for O Ritty. A week ago it was about those liberal girls gone wild on a beach during spring break. Fox They hid a camera on two guys on a beach. Where they filmed about 7 gals having a good time. Shaking there butts and flashing a little skins. About 6 maybe 8 in about 15 second tape shown over and over. The other 5000 that were there he didn't mention. But by showing tape over and over and trying to make it look heck of lot worse then it was. If folks watch closely they would have caught on to his flawed remarks.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Al, I only throw it out for discussion as a possibility. Certainly you are not going to pretend that what we used to call "dirty tricks" are not played by our political friends.
My favorite involved your buddy Richard Nixon. I know you did not like Nixon. Nixon had a campaign slogan and bumper stickers that said "Nixon's the One." So he shows up a some rally to speak to his conservative group of followers only to be confronted by about a hundred pregnant black women wearing Nixons the One buttons!

of course stevie there are dirty politics on both sides...but the way the media is tuned into whatever the bush administration does i would be very surprised if rove was involved.

it's funny that you bring up nixon....i couldn't stand the guy when he was in office & i have read about his paranoia. but later on in his life when he made a few public appearances with david frost, etc, i found him interesting to listen to....& his opening up dialogue with china as president was historically huge....


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
of course stevie there are dirty politics on both sides...but the way the media is tuned into whatever the bush administration does i would be very surprised if rove was involved.

Actually, I have to disagree about the press. I am also very disappointed in them. But I am disappointed because I do not feel that they have been hard enough on Bush and Cheney.
Compared to how the MSM played up the Clinton Bj Bush seem's to be getting a free pass. All things considered.
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