actually pt1grd
thanks for bringing this thread up. i just got down for the max (only $200) at oly on juaquin at +200 and reese at +400. one of those two will for sure win if not both. hell, they both used their real voices singing, no dubs. plus i wouldn't mind banging reese, but thats a different story.
munich still at +150, not much value for a movie ive yet to see.
the only competition might be syriana, but obviously haven't seen that either. good night is too unknown, geisha just looks stupid to me, and the gay cowboy movie can't win can it?
actually of all the movies listed, crash was my favorite. cinderella man was close, but a boxing movie cannot win twice in a row.
STUNNED that nicholas cage wasn't nominated for the weatherman. he was great in that. Not even a nomination??