Outright betting questions


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Forum Member
Aug 30, 1999
smoothie, Though I prefer matchups, I'll try to help:
1. Yes, many Euro-style outs offer EITHER WIN or E/W options which is half win and half place, those would include bet365 and WillHill and many others. Some Euro and LV style do offer PLACE-ONLY betting like OLY, 5dimes and some others.

2. Yes, outs do offer different versions of place. Many have 4 or 5 and some even offer 3 places just before the last round. Pay attention as they aren't all the same or consistent.

3. Most offer the ratio of how many places they pay. Like 1/4 if they pay 4 places or 1/5 if they pay 5. I believe one or two may actually pay 1/4 for 5 but Stanley or one of the UK contingent will have to answer as I don't think they allow US bettors. Some even go the other way with 1/4 for 3.

One ? u didn't ask is a key for these bets. Many divide the return by the # of golfers tied if you land on the breakpoint. Thus if u played T4 place and your guy finishes in a 5-way tie for 4th you only get 1/5 of what you would if he finished alone in 4th or T3rd or better. I do think at least one book was still paying full odds, but none that I use do!

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Forum Member
Jul 26, 1999
Manchester, England
At Five Dimes, go to 'futures' and click on 'top 5' odds. They have pulled the lines for the Honda Classic following Singh's withdrawal and they will reappear when they have set new odds.

At Olympic, click on 'odds to show' to get place-only for a top-4 place.

At SportsInteraction, click on the 'P' next to the outright odds to be place-only (4 places).
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