Pac 10 2002-03


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Jul 1, 2001



Can the Trojan offense adapt to OC Chow's offense, and have a more productive year??
Will QB Palmer finally live up to his high expectations??
Can USC get over the hump, and start winning the close games??

This Trojan team has been loaded w/ talent for years, but they've never been able to live up to expectations. The Trojans of 2001 were in every game last season, but unfortunate TO's ultimately led to their demise. It seems like QB Palmer has been the headman for 10 years now. This kid has the goods, but new schemes, and injuries to his skill players have hampered his performance. He has plenty of speedy talented weapons to use this year in RB McCullough, and WR's Kelly & Colbert. The O-Line returns all but one player from last years team, and they'll be a much more cohesive group. OC Norm Chow went out west last season, and his numbers dropped dramatically. I expect a big year from this loaded offensive unit with 1 season of OC Chow's offense under their belt. The 2002 defense has the potential to be one of the best in the nation. They've got tons of speed at every position, and they should put more pressure on opposing teams QB's. The front 7 is downright scary with the return of DT's Cody & Riley, and LB's Pollard & Grootegoed. USC quite possibly has the toughest non-conf schedule in all of NCAA's with visits to Colorado & K-State, and home jobs vs. Auburn & the Irish. The Trojans are bound to bust out one of these years, and 2002 just might be their year.



Will the replacements the QB, and RB step it up??
Can the defense start where they left off to finish up the season??

Last year was very disappointing for the Corvallis faithful, but I blatantly stated in last year's write-ups that they would falter. That's exactly what they did finishing 7th overall in the Pac 10 with a 3-5 conference record. Gone is QB Smith, and RB's Simonton & MaCall, but there's tons of potential in this years squad. QB Derek Anderson will take over the helm, and RB Jackson will be the main man in the backfield. All of last years WR's receivers return from last years squad, and the O-line's ready to atone for last years drop off. The defense is what really gets me going for the Beavers. This unit really has the potential to make some real noise this year. Unbelievable.... defense in the Pac 10!!!! The defensive front 7 is big, and fast...real fast!!! The studs of this defense are LB Richard Seigler, DT Eric Manning, and CB Dennis Weathersby; all of who were voted PAC 10 All Americans in 2000. The defense has all the ingredients to simply dominate their opponents. The defense gelled as the 2001 season progressed, and they were more than holding their own against good offensive teams. they gave up 182 total points in their first 6 games, but only gave up 77 in their last 5. The offense will need some time to adapt to the new faces, but the defense will more than make up for it. Their non-conf slate is a perfect litmus test to see how much they've improved once PAC 10 play begins. A rematch vs. Fresno at home, and a tough battle against Jason Thomas and the Rebs are just what the doctor ordered. I think they'll be 4-0 when the head to Troy in what should be a great battle of defenses. If they get out of SoCal with a "W"....their schedules set up for them to make a decent run at a PAC 10 championship.



Who will step up in the Husky backfield??
Can Pickett rebound from his shoulder injury??
Will lady luck continue to be on their side in the close games??
Will the defense find some players to fill the voids left by some of LY's studs??

The Washington Huskies had some big losses last season, but they still managed to have another winning season. They seemed to have all the luck last year as they won some games on unbelievable TO's and trick plays. QB Pickett had some big shoes to fill, and was doing fine up until his injury. He returns along with Taylor Barton as the field generals. RB Alexis returns as well, but he has a few hungry players nipping at his heels. The WR core is very capable w/ the return of co PAC 10 Frosh of the year Reggie Williams. The O-line went through some tough times LY mainly due to injury, but they did a respectable job. Everyone returning has starting experience, and they will have matured after going through LY's rough times. The offense should easily top LY's output in all categories. The defense is this teams Achilles heel. They only return 5 starters, and inexperienced players are filling the spots. LB Mahdavi will have his hands full up until this unit gets more experience. They do have one of the best special teams to hang their hats on. A rematch at the Big House starts off the season, and they will be 0-1 when that's all said and done. It's really hard to judge this Husky team this year, b/c of the question marks with their defense. HC Neuheisel is a great recruiter, and I'm sure he'll have players ready to step in. I can see the Huskies at 5-1 going to Troy, but I don't foresee them winning that game at all. This Husky team will be good, and I foresee a final record similar to last years due to their tough road schedule.



Who will step up and replace Minnich in the backfield??
Will QB Gesser stay healthy, and not tire down the stretch run??
Will the "D" line be able to pick up the slack, and let the back 7 adjust come conference play??
Will they be as fortunate in the turnover department as in 2001??
Can HC Price finally have a winning record in back-to-back seasons??

I predicted that the Cougars would put on a show in last years write-ups, and they didn't let me down. The Cougars went 10-2, HC Price won PAC 10 coach of the year, and they beat Purdue in the Sun Bowl, (by only 6 I might add...damn hook!!!!). They shot out of the gate like gangbusters, and didn't go down until they lost a tough one at home to the eventual PAC 10 champs. Most of last years team returns, but there are some holes to fill on defense. I think the secondary was hit the hardest with the losses of Thompson, and Newman. CB Trufant returns, but the rest of the secondary is a bit green. The defensive line is top notch, and is possibly the conferences' best. They have tons of experience, and they can all get to the QB. The defense will need some time to gel, and they'll most likely give up more points than last year's squad. The Cougar offense is loaded!!!! Back is QB Gesser, and WR's Bush & Riley. A new RB must step up, but all I've heard are great things about JUCO transfer Jermaine Green. The O-line returns pretty much intact. A toughie at the horseshoe in Columbus is all that stands in their way from an unblemished record once the Trojans come a knockin' October 5th. All of their Conference roadies are very winnable, and taking care of business at home is all the Cougars have to do to go bowling once again.



Who will replace QB Harrington??
Will the new QB have what it takes to keep this high octane offense flowing??
Will they have to change their defensive scheme due to the loss of LY's stud CB tandem??

The Ducks had one hell of a 2001 campaign. They were a fluke loss away from strapping it up w/ the Miami Hurricanes for the whole enchilada. Gone is big-time stud QB Harrington, and the days of scoring at will are over...for now. The offense still has tons of talent, but they don't have the field general anymore. I'm sure HC Bellotti will do wonders with whoever steps in, but they'll by no means surpass LY's output. The O-line & skilled position players are fantastic, but someone's got to get them the ball. QB's Fife & Clemens will battle it out for the top spot, but they'll have to produce once they get it. The defense is a bit scary as well. The D-Line has gobs of potential, and I'm sure the head coach has a few tricks up his sleeve for these hogs. The LB's are lead by the M&M boys (Moretti & Mitchell), and they anchor one of the best groups in the conference. The secondary is what scares me the most. Gone are CB's Smith & Bauman, which means the Ducks won't be able to take as many chances until the new guys are settled in. HC Bellotti is one of the best coaches in the country, and the Ducks will go bowling once again. This years schedule is much tougher than lasts with some tough conference roadies. I just don't think you can lose the best QB in all of football, and expect to have a better season than last.



Who will replace RB Foster??
Can QB Paus stay healthy??
Can HC Toledo deal with success??

I honestly don't know what to say about this bunch!!! They had it all going for them LY, and then it all went right down the crapper. Paus went down w/ an injury, and then RB Foster got suspended. How can a team go 6-0, and then go 1-4 their L/5...I'll tell you how...BOB TOLEDO!!! This guys had so much talent at UCLA its disgusting. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. This year's version of the Bruins is pretty much the same as 2001's. They do lose a good WR, a great LB, and a good DB. This is a very solid team that's loaded with talent, but it all depends on what the coaching staff can do with it. This season could get ugly real fast w/ home games vs. the 2 Colorado schools, and a roady at OKST. This teams mettle will be tested right off the bat, and I hope for their sake their not taking any called 3rd strikes!!!


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Jul 1, 2001


Can QB Boller finally live up to his expectations??
Can the WR core stay healthy??
How quickly can Cal adapt to new HC Tedford's schemes??
Will the defense show up in the second half of every game??

There's no need to talk about Tom Holmoe's last season as head coach at Cal. They went 1 and Freakin' 10!!!! Out with the old, and in with the new. HC Jeff Tedford is the new, and he was an assistant coach for Mike Bellotti up in Oregon. Cal has the most returning starters in the PAC 10 with 16. They seem to have recovered from their injuries, and are ready to go. QB Boller has to step it up in his senior season, but his wide outs have to be on the field as well. RB Igber is a stud, but he has to remain healthy. This offense should post much better numbers than the 2001 version. Cal's defensive line is beefy to say the least. They're stacked at every position, and they have one of the top 3 DL's in the PAC 10. The LB's & DB's are very capable, and they should also improve on shutting down their opponents. This Cal team is capable of scaring a few teams this year, and don't be surprised to see them knock off one of the big dog's...(OCT 19).



Who will step up at the QB position??
How will the revamped O-Line fair??
Has the defense picked up its new positions??

Last season went downhill after QB Krohn went down with a season ending injury. The offense flourished with him at he helm, and RB Flowers also had a big year. They're both gone, and HC Koetter is yet to decide who his new QB will be. The O-line also lost a bunch of hogs, and it'll have to be retooled. They do have some weapons on offense, but they won't come close to last year's output. The defense is what will keep them in the games. They have 2 solid DE's, but they lost both of their middlemen from last year's team. JUCO's will fill those vacated spots, and a veteran DB & LB core'll support them. Special teams will also be a concern. It seems to me that success for DK and ASU is at least another year down the road.



Can the defense stay healthy??
Will Mackovic stick to his guns and continue to air it out??

The 2001 Wildcats were a team that was decimated by injuries. They were able to put up points, but they gave up a ton more than they scored. Their defense almost gave up an avg of 40 ppg!!! The offense definitely has some skilled players in QB Johnson, RB Farmer, and WR Wade. The O-Line returns with a bit more experience, and they showed improvement with every passing game last year. The defense is what should have Tucson running for the hills. This defense was atrocious LY, but injuries played a very large role. Provided this defense stays healthy, it could finish at about the middle of the pack in Conf play. I think Mackovic will stick to his guns, and the pigskin will be flying through the desert air. This offense could turn into something special, and these boys could surprise us all & go bowling.



Can the offense outscore everyone they play??
How long will it take the defense to come around??

Stanford had a great 2001 season beating top 5 teams in back to back weeks, and getting as high as #10 in the country. Tyrone Willingham is off to ND, and in comes Buddy Teevens. He inherits a great offense, but his defense is going to need a ton of work. Ten of their top tacklers from a year ago depart. There's no way the Cardinal will be able to compete with the better balanced teams of the PAC 10, and this is clearly a rebuilding year for the Tree.


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Jan 8, 2002
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
I am not going to make this sound like a "cheap shot" but just who will these premeire teams be? I think there will be a couple of good teams in Washington and Wazzu with Oregon State being a darkhorse, but who is going to be world beaters out of this conference? I can't see any team out of that league this year being able to compete with the Big 5 of Miami, Florida State, Texas, Oklahoma or Tennessee. Again, this is not meant to be smack, maybe you can enlighten us a little bit. That is what this time of year is for.



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Jul 1, 2001
I just wanted to make sure everyone saw these before they were knocked off the page.


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Nov 22, 2000
honolulu, Hi, USA
JMHO - Watch out for Washington State; Gesser and solid nucleus of returning starters is certain to make a lot of noise in the Pac 10. As for my darkhorse, look for Arizona State to improve behind coach Koetter as he is a proven winner. My pick for the most overrated team will be USC as Palmer is a stiff. He can't even read defenses. Unless he makes a 100% turn around, he will lose his starting position (you heard it here first).



Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 8, 2002
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


Good info. I was replying to he hate me and his sentiment that the Pac 10 would be the nation's premeire conference again. I can't say I or many others would agree with that one much at all.

Gridman: Agree wholeheartedly on USC. So much talent every year and so much Freedom Bowl. They are a team that always finds a way to lose a game. Carson Palmer and Chris Simms should go into business together.

I agree that Washington State will be tough but their schedule is not nice. (They get an early-season trip to Columbus to show their worth) I really can't see Arizona State being good this year without a proven QB, no Offensive line, no estabished running back and a defense that can't tackle.

Although I don't have Oregon State higly ranked in my preseason poll; they could be the best team in the Pac 10 if they find some solid play at Qb. Their defense this year could resemble that of the 2000 team that went 11-1. And yes, they will beat USC.

He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
every Pac 10 team is going to improve this year with the exception of Oregon and UCLA and even they got the best pass catcher in the nation in 6'6 fr Mercedes Lewis. Im not a Paus fan, but think UCLa will find away to win this yr. Im really high on Arizona this year, Coach MAckovic teams always get better. Cal has 16 starters coming back, if they can give Boller more time to throw this yr, Kyle will be a top 15 pick in the draft. Stanford just outscores folks, they give up points sure, but they went to Eugene and outscored the best offensive football team in the last 10 yrs. And most of those kids are coming back including Chris Lewis. I agree with people that say Carson Palmer is a stiff, but SC was devestated with injuries last year. I look for Grotegood to have breakout yr, and the Oline will be a little better this yr, the Trojans defense might be the best in the nation. The Pacific Northwest has 4 of the best HC's in the country, Pullman is a hard place to recruit to, but Price does awesome at getting jucos, and his team should win double digits again this yr. Belloti's offense always get in the 40's I guarantee you he has a qb on his roster that can bring it, he has a knack for finding them. Erickson is an NFL coach and it shows, as the BEaver always outcoach you. Washington has the toughest schedule of any top 10 team in the nation, I m not a Pickett fan, but Nehuisal is a pure genius. If the Huskies had Miami schedule instead of a pac 10 schedule they would be in National Championship, but I can assure you they will have a couple hiccups.


The BestBradley
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2000
encino, ca
ASU is about 95 percent certain that Chad Christenson is going to be the starting quarterback. Whoever the qb is, the offense is great and are deep at talent in many postions.. Defense is a major concern for me with this team...especially the secondary
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