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Mar 15, 1999
63 Posts Odds on the Network to give The Simple Life a Home and what could happen before the First Episode Airs.

October 19th, 2005 New York, NY ? Fox Television has borrowed Martha Stewart?s new catchphrase, ?You just don?t fit in,? and flung it at Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. The fourth season of The Simple Life finds itself homeless after Fox announced it had no room for the ex-best friends forever, and as filming for the new season begins in two weeks The Simple Life is looking for a new network to call home.

However, a lot can happen in between shopping for a new network and the fourth season?s first episode of The Simple Life airing on T.V. For instance, a pregnancy, a sex tape, a fist fight ? the world is their oyster and anything is possible. But life has been made much easier thanks to analysts at who?ve calculated the odds on Hilton/Richie stunts and the odds on which network will pick up The Simple Life:

What network will pickup The Simple Life? By 2/15/06

 MTV 2.5 - 1
 VH1 2.5 - 1
 ABC 24 - 1
 CBS 24 -1
 NBC 24 -1
 WB 3 -1
 UPN 3 -1
 Christian Broadcast Network 99 - 1
 No network will pick it up 8 to 1
 Any other network 2.75 to 1

What will occur before the 1st episode of The Simple life is aired? By 2/15/06

 Nicole tapes an adult video to compete with Paris? 1 ? 1.55
 Nicole marries fianc? DJ AM 1 - 2
 Paris announces she is pregnant with Paris Latis? child 9 -1
 Kimberly Stewart gets into a public fist fight with Nicole 20 - 1
 Paris and Nicole join Scientology 49 ? 1
 None of the above 3.75 to 1

?Both Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie have managed to become celebrities based on their family name, fame and personalities,? said Mickey Richardson, CEO of . ?And both of these girls have marketed themselves quite well because of it ? books, perfume, television, parties?I see them going rather far in their ability to promote themselves.?

Additional odds on Celebrities can be found at in the entertainment section.

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