Parx 10/25 R7


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Dec 15, 2005


Stopped in to see if there were any PARX picks today. Saw that the last PARX related pick was this one. Acutally, I had that Don's Honor hoss marked as a contender in that race as well, Hamster. Think he finished 3rd.

See that this post got ~100 VIEWS. Them PTs (peepers) are breaking the doors down for a PP (er.. that would be a Parx Pick). Actually, EVERYtime I see that there "Where's Axle" post by bkbetor with almost 400 VIEWS I just laugh my ass off. Not asfaras Axle or Bk goes.. but it tells me that maybe them PPs are NOT interested in a Parx pick at all but are just bored out of their minds. :00x12

Looks like the circus is coming to town soon. That's for REAL racing fans like I was when N.Y. was in my backyard (actually it was a decent drive but no problem for a real racing fan like I was). Now I'm just a Monsy Makin Madman :(

Gotta mention the day I was heading out to the Big A on the Henry Hudson and that dang, old, rusty Ford Fairmont broke down. No gun or knife in the car and I had a feeling I was in deep poopies. Turned out a nice guy stopped, we went and got a fuel pump and I put the dang thang in right on the side of the road. That was the good ole days when you could actually fix your car. The greedy bastages stopped that. I can't even find 4 of the dang spark plugs on the Caddy Seville she drives now.

Yeah, we did bring along that old Ford down here to sunny FLA. That would be the same car my wife used to go to work nearby. That's the car that she had in her workplace parking lot that day when everybody was leaving work that day, ALL the cars in her workplace parking lot had an advertisement about getting your car detailed laying under their windshield wiper. Er... the Ford? .. that was the ONLY car they skipped. LOL
She told me she got in it and hightailed it outa that lot that night.

HOPEFULLY the Breeders Cup fiasco will liven up this place and I think I'll try to come up with a good ole Philly dirt bomb for tomorrow so we can git some funnybucks to throw away on that hoss racin style lottery/jackpots showboat.

IF I can come up with something tomorrow (highly probable that I will cause it's Tue$) I'll post it. BUT, do be careful with the circus bets :nono:
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