Parx 5/21


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Got online late today

Got online late today

MUCH too busy to even see a hoss or racing card for the first half of the day.

Had to rush like hell to play the 6th, didn't do my figures so I put the two horses I LIKED (1,3) over 3 CRAPOLAS 33,18,15 to ones, you know - Philly style. Result... OF COURSE no. 3 Wins and Crapola finishes 3rd.

Looks like we both are suffering from "WaceTwackitis", Hammy - As in -> both zackta hosses finish in the top 3 EXCEPT your combo, Crapola to win finishes 2nd, Ya gotta a $19 GRAND for 10 stinkin cents Zuppa right in front of you (5 horses written down) and you play the dang exacta..... Sheet like dat. :(

Looking for more Crapola later in today's card.

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