Got online late today
Got online late today
MUCH too busy to even see a hoss or racing card for the first half of the day.
Had to rush like hell to play the 6th, didn't do my figures so I put the two horses I LIKED (1,3) over 3 CRAPOLAS 33,18,15 to ones, you know - Philly style. Result... OF COURSE no. 3 Wins and Crapola finishes 3rd.
Looks like we both are suffering from "WaceTwackitis", Hammy - As in -> both zackta hosses finish in the top 3 EXCEPT your combo, Crapola to win finishes 2nd, Ya gotta a $19 GRAND for 10 stinkin cents Zuppa right in front of you (5 horses written down) and you play the dang exacta..... Sheet like dat.
Looking for more Crapola later in today's card.