Parx R5


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Mar 4, 2000
Sacramento, CA
Several horses are scratched out of this race this am.
1 4 7

Will withdraw my selection and pass this race.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Sacramento, CA
Are you going 5/2,3?
I was pace handicapping this race and was hoping that several horses in here would set some early fractions of 22.3+.. Freudian coming back onto the dirt may be a good thing.

So, just going to pass the entire race and see what happens.


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Dec 15, 2005
Card ain't too good today, lost my usual exacta plays with one side order in the 2nd, even SOUPA MAN couldn't win for me in the 3rd.

Unless somebody can find/ SEE something good, may be one of them days that we leave the track feeling better ONLY cause we got some exercise "tearing up tickets" as HM would say :(

OH, forgot... . . my no. 7 pick for this 5th wace is scwatched too. Ut Ohh!


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Just watched the post parade for this 5th race and, just like the previous races, the horses look depressed. Maybe thems had enough hoss wacin after watching them Breeders run Fri. and Sat.

edited -> things are looking a little better though cause I did figure out that the favorite (1A) was a zackta throw away in the 5th race. Unfortunately, you don't win any moola for figuring that first step out :( Good news is that I didn't play a thing in that race.:00hour
Last edited:


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
We're hanging by a thread, Hammy... .. HM left, only 3 Peepers (thems don't count), and us. And I haven't even looked at the rest of the races yet. :scared


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Dec 15, 2005
[size=+3] HOLY SHEETSKIES [/size]


ONLY two horses on my "L@@KERS" column - the 1 AND THE 4. Quickly eliminated all the horses cause I hadda move fast, EXCEPT for the 1,3,4,6 that looked like they had some promise. .
AND, in so much of a rush.... . I put my STINKIN 1 dollar exacta box in TWO times, BY MISTAKE. :0034

Now nobody's gonna talk to me :(
or believe me neither....

Nov 05, 2012
Bet # Take Return Net
Lost 1 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 3.00 Straight Win PN: 6 3.00 0.00 -3.00
Won 2 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 3.00 Straight Win PN: 4 3.00 124.80 121.80
Ticket total 6.00 124.80 118.80
Ticket Post Time: 2012/11/05 2:44:12 PM
Nov 05, 2012
Bet # Take Return Net
Lost 1 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (6 / 4) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Lost 2 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (6 / 1) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Lost 3 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (4 / 6) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Won 4 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (4 / 1) BOX 1.50 199.35 197.85
Lost 5 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (1 / 6) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Lost 6 2:44:12 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (1 / 4) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Ticket total 9.00 199.35 190.35
Ticket Post Time: 2012/11/05 2:44:10 PM
Nov 05, 2012
Bet # Take Return Net
Lost 1 2:44:10 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (6 / 4) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Lost 2 2:44:10 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (6 / 1) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Lost 3 2:44:10 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (4 / 6) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Won 4 2:44:10 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (4 / 1) BOX 1.50 199.35 197.85
Lost 5 2:44:10 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (1 / 6) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Lost 6 2:44:10 PM Philadelphia Park Race #6 USD 1.5 Exacta (1 / 4) BOX 1.50 0.00 -1.50
Ticket total 9.00 199.35 190.35

Just unbelievable, a Breeders Cup type score, betting some Philly dirt bombs. :s5:

Sometimes, after going through a period to terrible, terrible LUCK... It all comes back in a nice big package. Today that happened. Did it ever.

PEEPERS, if you put in plenty (and I mean, PLENTY) of work into a "project", NEVA GIVE UP. forget playing real sports.. PLAY HOSSES!


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Just two things before I stop for today, which could happen at any time...

I wrote that "Neva Give ups" thing and I gotta correct that cause after a period of bad luck I did stop playing hosses in the past, didn't bother me to do that, and GLAD I DID (prob. woulda lost more). BUT -> I always returned for a fresh start.. weeks, months, or even years later.

- Here's my thing after a nice score - pretty much all the time I hit something like today, I would lose the rest of the races I play on that day. Kinda weird. Awhile back, I set up my new "policy" (don't forget to vote tomorrow, HM) and that is after ONE losing race from this point on for today - I'm done for the day. That policy has worked before.. let's see what happens today. Also, bets STAY SMALL too... that's one of the best policies ESP. after a nice score and I've always followed that rule.

G.L. (I'll keep posted if I keep wining today)


HBD Sports!
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2002
Franklin, MA
throw a duece on my two plays james. who knows! maybe lightning will strike twice.

cant wait to vote tomorrow...gonna be sad when all the good ads are over.


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
8th race: so far the 1,3,4 look a little better than the others. Now, gotta do the fast analysis thingy :)


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Dec 15, 2005
L@@Ks like i'll keep on dancing today.

I did NOT play the exactas too smartly, (keyed the no. 1 with the others listed). Two stinkin dollar tickets. SOMB

BUT, I did collect good cabbage on that no. 3 across the board. W/Pl/Sh@3x. More (but not much) than 5 not so stinkin dollar tickets. Peanuts for most bettors, but not peanuts to me. Chip away at them, MJers, with some luck and enough hoss wacin experience.. it will add up. No aiming at jackpots on the BETTING SIDE of the equation. Just aim a little on the ODDS side esp. at this twack.

Oh well, what else is new?

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