Way to go, Hammy
Way to go, Hammy
I'm done with wacin for awhile (and I'm a little sick when I see who won that first race on Seis of de Mayo too. I wrote plenty about that horse here in this forum and stared and stared some more at this race and decided I'd stay "cold turkey" and NOT break down and play that one. Barely Nothing prob. went wire to wire and paid $20.60. )
But, I'm not done cogratulating NICE picks IF I see one. TWO very nice picks, Hammy. :thumb:
Now, do you remember when we used to "talk" about WHEELING HOSSES IN EXACTAS, top/bot?
At least my other favorite Philly horse, Reflected Way, didn't win his race on the 3rd. I think they sqeezed every drop of blood left out of this consistant, hard trying verteran over the course of his racing years.