Passion of the christ


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2002
Good Evening...

Just got home from seeing this movie...Not only did I go to one theater where the 5 remaining shows were SOLD OUT...I went to another theater and waited almost 1 1/2 to view it.

Regardless of your religion.

I found this movie extremely graphic, violent and highly disturbing.

I feel as though Mel Gibson who is a religious fanatic made this movie for 2 reasons -1. Obviously $$$ (it will become the highest grossing movie ever made) and 2. For people who are not so religious to become MORE religious when you see HOW jesus of nazareth died for you.

The graphic images are floating around in my head and I cant sleep.

P.S. I was completely disgusted by the lack of responsiblity of parents today as I saw at least a dozen children (babies, 2 yr olds, 5 yr olds and up) watching this movie.



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Nov 12, 2000
Arlington, TX
I'm an idiot and will probably confirm this fact with the following statement. If Jesus is the son of god, then he knows at the end he will be in heaven with the almighty anyway. So the pain depicted is just temporary. Grain of salt in the ocean.

What the hell do I know! I am agnostic.

Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
I plan on seeing it on Tuesday. I've also heard from a few people that saw it that it's pretty damn brutal and highly graphic.

I can't wait. I'll have a follow up here as soon as I get home from the theater.


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Nov 4, 2000
I would not take anyone under the age of 14/15. There is a story. But it really just comes down to a murder. In todays terms.


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Jun 11, 2003
I saw the movie yesterday also. I don't understand why there is so much attention brought to the violence. Honestly...there's violence in most movies these days. We always see people in car accidents, shot, stabbed, raped, murdered...ect.

I think that peolpe are freaking out because this certain movie is taken from actual events. As far as I'm concerned, it's what really happened to someone long ago. It's happened throughout history, so why is everyone in an uproar? It was graphic, but when I went, I expected way worse, from everything I've heard about it.

As far as kids being there. He got whipped, it was bloody, and as I said before, there are video games worse than that!! I didn't bring my little ones but I'm not condeming those that did because in wasn't that bad, compared to other movies and/or video games these days kids see way worse than what was displayed on the screen yesterday.


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Feb 12, 2000
I thought the movie was excellent, but kids should not be in this movie. Helen definitely plays the violence down from what it is. I've seen every action movie out, and the goriness of this movie tops them all.

Video games are a seperate subject because they are like cartoons (but I agree that this movie is no more violent than the video games that are out). That does not mean that we should still not filter some things from our children.

I would not say that parents were necessarily irresponsible for taking their kids. They may not have known how violent it was going to be -- I had underestimated it.


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Jun 11, 2003
Dawgball, you really think that this movie is more gory than some out there?? He was bleeding...he got whipped. I will say that those soldiers inflicting the beating were relentless, and uncompassionate. I will also agree that his wounds weren't pleasant. Maybe the some of the movies I saw, the ones where people are decapitated, burned alive and other stuff like that aren't the same as the one's you saw. Maybe my definiotion of gory is worse than yours. I don't know.

As a side note, my kids don't play video games, they don't even watch any movies with a rating over PG-13 and some of those aren't permitted on the television while they are awake. My daughter isn't even allowed to watch MTV. I don't think I'll be running to the theater so my kids could catch this movie, but I don't think that it is as violent as some of the other movies I've seen and it's getting tons of publicity as being the most violent.


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Helen said:
I saw the movie yesterday also. I don't understand why there is so much attention brought to the violence. Honestly...there's violence in most movies these days. We always see people in car accidents, shot, stabbed, raped, murdered...ect.

Note to myself: Don't f*ck w/anyone, (literally or figuratively), from Philly...especially if they're on a softball team.


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Feb 12, 2000
I would like for you to point out one of the many movies that you have seen that has the extended gore of Passion. I want to see what you are basing your opinion on. My opinion is that this was worse in that sense than any movie that I can recall at this time. I think it was necessary, though, to drive Gibson's point that he wanted to.


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Nov 4, 2000
When you think about it. None of us were there at that time so we dont know what really happen. For all we know it's all old wise tails. But everyone has to have something to hang there hat on and believe. But what if the science is right were all from a camp ground of cave men. I mean no one ever found the ark or the stone with the laws written on it. Some call it the ten commandments. Others say budda is king. For all we know this never happen just this way. Yes I believe it did. But to this degree.
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Apr 30, 2002


Let me say this again NO MOVIE has ever been as extremely graphic and violent for 2 straight hours...He was abused the enitre movie ! Yes in other movies say "Saving Private Ryan" a hand gets blown off and then on to the next scene ! A person gets a bullet in the head onto the next scene etc etc...

Jesus was beaten and crucified the entire movie and blood dripped the entire movie and flesh hung the entire movie...This is my feeling.

Senor Capper

is feeling it
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Nov 14, 2000
Obviously this is one man's vision, his interpretation of what he reads in the Gospels and how they impact his own life.
We shouldn't receive this vision as the same thing as the Gospel.

Graphic ? Oh yeah.
Disturbing ? To some.
Spiritually Moving ? Most definitely.

I do highly recommend this movie.

The book is much better. ;)

2 thumbs up. For you sickos..... no pun intended. :nono:

A movie that will definitely move us Christains.

As for you non-believers that have nothing to look forward to after this short life is completed? My question is why do you even bother with the movie......unless of course ???

FYI I'm not judging Non-Believers, its not My Job. :rolleyes:
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Jun 14, 2000
lincoln , ne , us
The book is much better.

The sequel is even better (The resurrection). Our church went last night and was surprised to hear that many would definetly go again. I thought it might be a show that most people would want to see once but not multiple times.

As to Highroller's comment about doing it for the $$$, I don't think that is a fair assessment. Most experts originally predicted it would not make money and many tried to persuade Mel Gibson to not do it for personal and financial reasons. I am glad to see him being rewarded for sticking to his convictions.

Franky Wright

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May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
Boy, not sure where to start here?:(

First, I thought the movie was very well done. Aside from the graphic violence, I feel it really displayed the feelings of the different cultures at work, living in a dictatorship state.

The Romans were used to a this type of police authority that they had inflicted upon their subordinates for hundreds of years. The Jews felt the pressure of this and found ways to live within their own heirarchy under this arrangement.

As we have seen throughout history, poor judgement by a handful of people in power, can make for some disastorous consequences. The Jewish elders certainly had an agenda against Jesus, so as to prop up their own standing in the heirarchy of their people.

Interestingly the Latin and arabic languages with the english subtitles were not at all hard to read and follow with the action on the screen, I felt they did a wonderful job with that.

I still dont understand the Jewish communities uprising regarding this film. I did not feel any hatred towards the Jews after watching this film, and I fail to see their point?:shrug: :shrug:

Now for my personal vendeta. My wife and I got their 5 minutes late due to an inept restaurant/waitress, and Im wondering what we might have missed? not much from what I can gather. Came in when someone stepped on the snake/serpent? Any help here would be appreciated

This should be an interesting thread!



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Apr 30, 2002
What the critics are saying

What the critics are saying

Opinion divided on Gibson's 'Passion'

Thursday, February 26, 2004 Posted: 1:12 PM EST (1812 GMT)

(CNN) -- If ever there was a movie for which critical opinion can be said to be evenly divided, it's Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ."

A look at, which compiles reviews of every movie in release, shows "Passion" with 38 favorable reviews of 71 counted, or 54 percent (as of 11 a.m. Wednesday).

Moreover, those reviews are often in stark contrast to one another. The Chicago Sun-Times' Roger Ebert, in giving the movie his highest rating of four stars, said "I was moved by the depth of feeling, by the skill of the actors and technicians, by their desire to see this project through no matter what," though he added, "This is the most violent film I have ever seen."

On the other side, Slate's David Edelstein -- in a review headlined "Jesus H. Christ: 'The Passion,' Mel Gibson's bloody mess" -- says "This is a two-hour-and-six-minute snuff movie -- 'The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre' -- that thinks it's an act of faith."

Here is a sampling of other reviews:

"Mr. Gibson has constructed an unnerving and painful spectacle that is also, in the end, a depressing one. It is disheartening to see a film made with evident and abundant religious conviction that is at the same time so utterly lacking in grace."

-- A.O. Scott, The New York Times

"This is a movie so singular, so intense, so overwhelming that it simply has to be experienced."

-- Phil Kloer, Atlanta Journal/Constitution

"By filming New Testament Gospels with Old Testament fire and brimstone, his 'Passion' emerges as something contrary to Jesus's spirit: unforgiving."

-- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

"From his arrest at the Garden of Gethsemane to his final breath on the cross at Golgotha, 'The Passion' interprets the story with a fresh reality -- and a raw brutality -- unlike anything ever seen before. It is an intense, relentlessly gripping interpretation of the ancient saga."

-- Jack Garner, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

"It's a stylish and visually polished re-creation of the last 12 hours in the life of Jesus -- unrelieved suffering and martyrdom, in other words. Controversy over whether it will inflame anti-Semitism guarantees huge audiences, and many people may be profoundly moved. But as a film it is quite bad."

-- Eric Harrison, Houston Chronicle

"The film is a brutal, blood-soaked plea for compassion and understanding in the face of monstrosity. There is a purity -- an openhearted zeal -- to the picture that is forthright and breathtaking. And it is, first and foremost, exemplary filmmaking."

-- Sean Burns, Philadelphia Weekly

"I have no doubt that Mel Gibson loves Jesus. From the evidence of 'The Passion of the Christ,' however, what he seems to love as much is the cinematic depiction of flayed, severed, swollen, scarred flesh and rivulets of spilled blood, the crack of bashed bones and the groans of someone enduring the ultimate physical agony."

-- David Ansen, Newsweek

"Images take precedence over dialogue here. And those images are graphic, unsettling and undeniably powerful."

-- Chris Vogner, Dallas Morning News


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Jun 11, 2003
Dawgball, the only point I was making was that, in movies, I've seen way worse than a man get whipped and bleed, "extended gore", maybe not. The scene where he was scourged was not two hours long. After that scene, as I stated previously, there wasn't much "gore". He still got whipped and abused but he was clothed and his wounds were left to the audience's imagination. The other "gory" scene was when he got nailed to the cross, it lasted maybe 5 minutes. I also stated before, that those soldiers were relentless. So, basically I only partially disagreed with you. I just didn't think it was as violent or gory as some movies out there. It wasn't until after your second post that I actually got your point, when you stated "extended gore". There was violence throughout the movie as Highroller stated. I just didn't view that as the most violent thing I've seen in all my life.

It would be pointless to name movies I view as violent because your argument will be that there are only "violent scenes", as the "violence" in The Passion was throughout. So, I won't even go there.

Franky, the only thing you and your wife missed was Jesus praying for the strength to take on his destiny. He also met with Satan, who was trying to discourage him. There was a scene where a maggot came out of Satan's nose, it was only a second. But a little surprising.
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Nov 4, 2000
Mel got just what he wanted. Look at the debate here. Read those reports in highrollers post. Life is good for Mel. All this leads to more people going. We will never know whats true or not true about it. But was that the point anyway?


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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Mel won't get any of my money. Not interested in the worn out story of God Junior. From what I've heard this was simply a snuff film full of extraneous and gratuitous violence and draws its crowd based on the car wreck rubber-necking instinct. Pure exploitation.

Come on me up now.


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Apr 2, 2001
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