Pat Robinson 700 Club RIP saved my roommate

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Think it was my junior year at North Texas 1972-73 . We had our 1st house we were renting after 2 years in the dorm We rented the house from Coach B the North Texas Tennis coach who played running back for the 49'ers back in the day.
Anyway we had a 12 inch black and white TV in our living room . During the day before noon and afternoon classes on WFAA TV Dallas the 700 Club was on. Pat Robertson was the host of this Christian Broadcasting show and it was set up like the Johnny Carson show. Pat had a side kick like Ed McMachn and back then it was religious not political Later on Pat became part of the Republican far right and I think ran for President .. But this was way before that. The show was out of Virginia Beach and we would finish classes walk home make lunch and turn on the 700 Club. Pat was absolutely crazy blaming any natural disaster on Homosexuality and the teaching of Evolution . He had my favorite segment where he performed miracles on taped shows he had gone to. It was my favorite part where he called down people in the audience that had brain tumors or couldn't walk and he would put his hands on them and say a prayer and the tumors were gone and people that walked up there with help were dancing and cured He would put his hands on there heads and pressed to get the devil out of them. He had a few of his spotters catch the people as they passed out when he put his hands on their heads . The people that had the tumors would look into the camera and smile pretending to be cured. The people that couldn't walk would start moving their legs and before you knew it were dancing and jumping up and down Meanwhile the audience is cheering and clapping . At the bottom of the screen were telephone numbers to call to pray and donate money to the 700 Club.
Well one of my roommates Spaceman [ nick name because he was from NY but his brain was burned out on all the drugs he did } A few days before he tested positive for VD so was going to the North Texas Campus Health Center getting his penicillin shots.
So as usual its noon time and we turn on the 700 club. Pat Roberson is doing his things and I decide to call the number on the screen It was a dallas area code number. Spaceman is not in our living room and I'm with about 4 or 5 of my other roommates and buddies . I call the number and a lady answers and I explain to her about my roommate Spaceman and he caught VD. She reads me a short prayer and asks how much am I going to send to the address and she read s the prayer and makes sure I know the address . I thank her and everyone in my living room is on the floor laughing not believing that I called .. We all hear the screen door open on our porch and its the Spaceman , He asked what did I miss on the 700 Club and he explains why he was late He was at the health center because he no longer has to go for his penicillin shots he is cured ..So I jump up off the couch and bow to the TV and say " praise the lord " Everyone follows me and we all are bowing saying praise the Lord. Spaceman is looking at all of us saying "WTF are you guys doing"
So yesterday I read the Austin Chronicle and see on page 3 the head line is " Pat Robertson 93 dies televangelist " I get 3 text messages from my North Texas buddies and they all recall the famous telephone call. One of them who is now a retired Dallas teacher says to me " box did the Penicillin at the health center cure Spaceman or was it Pat Robertson prayers .. I said I lean on the side of medicine but we will never know . I am waiting for the Spaceman to text today


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Pat Robertson was a piece of shit. He blamed gay people and abortion rights activists for the 9/11 attacks. He blamed gay people for the rise of Hitler. The world is better off with him dead.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Pat Robertson was a piece of shit. He blamed gay people and abortion rights activists for the 9/11 attacks. He blamed gay people for the rise of Hitler. The world is better off with him dead.

I 100 percent agree with the above.....glad the fucker is dead......the world would be a better place with assholes like him dead.

If there is a hell.....I hope he's there, fuck him.

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
So I take it that you guys are saying it was the medicine that cured my roommate .lol I know he got political later but I was amazed the 700 club was allowed on TV. I thought there were FAA regulations or some kind of TV rules about donations etc I don't want to profile but they always had big black woman who had diabetes helped up the stairs to Pat on the podium She was going to have her legs amputated but Pat would put his hands on her head and pray and watch how he would get the devil out of her Then she would go into convulsions as the evil was leaving her body and suddenly she got her balance and started dancing totally cured . I knew it had to be set up because as she became cured the band would play music as she danced in the aisles back to her seat,
Pat Robertson I don't think is in heaven tonight with all his shenanigans but he had a huge following and think today is still loved and worshipped by many. But I still think the penicillin at the health center cured the Spaceman and not the prayer that was read to me.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 2, 2001
Hi ya box……I have a good friend here in Pittsburgh….Matt furjanic…..he was headcoach at Robert Morris for many years…..and at Marist for a few years…..was wondering if you know him?
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