Patriot Act works- Almost


Forum Member
Aug 19, 1:12 PM (ET)
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate Judiciary Committee heard this morning from one of its own about some of the problems with airline "no fly" watch lists. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., says he had a close encounter with the lists when trying to take the U.S. Airways shuttle out of Washington to Boston. The ticket agent wouldn't let him on the plane. His name was on the list in error.
After a flurry of phone calls, Kennedy was able to fly home, but then the same thing happened coming back to Washington.
Kennedy says it took three calls to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to get his name stricken from the list. The process took several weeks, in all.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
That old drunk ain't getting on any plane I'm on. I like to have a few belts on the plane and that son of a bitch would have the stewardesses tied up with his drink order all night.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
the actual inside skinny on this story is that they passed a secret resolution in congress that teddy must take a mandatory breathalizer before boarding passenger flights to ensure the safety of the stewardesses.... :drinky: :142hump: :SIB
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