PC Laptop Problem

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I hate PC's. Now, that being said... My Gateway laptop has been acting strangely for a while now, not booting up at times, forcing me to shut down with the on/off key. I was/am going to take it in to have it looked at on Monday, but need to get some schoolwork done this weekend if possible.

The current issue: I cannot get the computer to shut down with the on-off key. When booting up the last two times, I have a blank/black screen, and now upon attempting to start it up (I hear it running), I still have a black screen and it will not shut off with the on/off switch. I have not taken the battery out after unplugging it, because that's probably not the best idea, but I don't know what else to do. I've just walked away from it for now, hoping to figure something out.

This computer has never worked very well for us, but now it won't work at all. I'm not a PC guy, but I'm not computer illiterate, either. For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone would fight the PC setup when the Mac is so much easier and less invasive to use on a daily basis. Seems every time I want to shut down the PC it's installing some new update of some sort, or the protection software is running something or other killing the processing and ability to work on other things. This is a fairly powerful PC laptop, and I'm sure I'm a big part of the problem, but after working so much on the Mac I think PCs are ridiculously cumbersome and clunky to work on.

All that complaining being done, any suggestions on my big problem. If it goes down, I will probably try to boot from the original software disc (which is buried under a pile of other boxes... :rolleyes: ) and see what I can figure out. Seems I have a pretty major problem on my hands, though. Thanks for any thoughts.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Try holding the power button down for 5 to 10 seconds. Safer for your files than pulling the battery.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Sorry about that Chadman, but you aren't the only one. I go through laptops at a rapid pace.

Speaking of laptops, does anyone have a suggestion for a new laptop? I need to go shopping soon.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 3, 2006
MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro

Small learning curve. Much more user friendly, great support, simple to use, no waiting to load programs, no error messages kicking you out of programs. Bought my first MacBook Pro laptop a couple of months ago and I will never by another PC.

Good Luck and most of your problems that you are used to with a PC will not even be issues with a Mac.
Just remember, there is a small learning curve.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Three responses: (Thanks for the thoughts, guys)

1. I can hold the power button down indefinitely now, and nothing happens. First time for that, it had worked before to hold it down for that amount of time - now, nothing, it just sits there, the fan blowing out, no response.

2. As for the Mac, I have been a Mac user since training on one in the 80's. Been using them since they came out, and would never consider a PC if I didn't have to use one for school. I bought this Gateway because the son and wife were more comfortable with that environment, and now I have to use it for the computer class I'm taking this semester that requires learning in that environment.

3. Kosar, if you're post was serious, which I believe it was, if my computer ever comes up I will do that. As of now, I am resigned to pulling the battery and hoping I can get the thing to boot up either from the startup/original CD or from the boot command (if I can ever see that option again). I can't delete, or do anything at the moment.

Thanks again, guys. Just going to hope for the best with the above attempts, and then just take it to the Geek Squad on Monday in hopes to get through this semester class. Going to purchase a new laptop if this one doesn't work, and it won't be a PC. I have my Mac laptop from work that I use, and it's awesome, and my desktop G4 PowerPC is also a decent computer, although outdated at this point.
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Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Hmmm everyone raves about Mac. I might have to try one. They are a little more expensive so they must be worth it? :shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Question--If Mac is so superior--why do they have less than 15% of market?--and if you discount education applications is drops a bunch from there.
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The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
Question--If Mac is so superior--why do they have less than 15% of market?--and if you discount education applications is drops a bunch from there.

Price is more expensive - however - the frustration and time you save is priceless.

Also - MANY companies that have a specific program that needs to be written - is ALWAYS written in PC code and never MAC. Infrastructure is the main reason since many computers are used at and for work.

I think the biggest reason is marketing too. PC's are fucking gay - wish the world could hear me.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
I currently have five laptops laying around my house...my biggest problem with a few is that they lose connectivity to my wireless router.

Pissed me off---I went out and bought the best router in radio shack. Those bastards still lose connectivity.

I do have a few that work great.


Say Parlay
Forum Member
Question--If Mac is so superior--why do they have less than 15% of market?--and if you discount education applications is drops a bunch from there.

PCs have most of the market share for the same reason VHS beat out Sony's technically superior Betamax--IBM utilized an operating system (Microsoft) they allowed to be sold on it's own for non-IBM platforms. These clones have competed against one another, gotten cheap, and swamped the market. Apple doesn't allow clones and exclusively produces it's own hardware, picks it's own operating system, desgins and prices.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Thanks Joker/Terry

From a this dummys standpoint--The biggest reason I could see to switch to apple is much less subject to virus and no need for continuous updates to protect from same.

--but am thinking primary reasons for this is that hackers are hacking where they can do the most damage and only reason apple doesn't have same prob is with their market share they are not worth the effort yet--so is it lack of effort or do they have superior software that sets them apart in this area so far?


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
I currently have five laptops laying around my house...my biggest problem with a few is that they lose connectivity to my wireless router.

Pissed me off---I went out and bought the best router in radio shack. Those bastards still lose connectivity.

I do have a few that work great.

try to update the wireless card drivers or the motherboard drivers. You should be able to find this in windows update most likely. Or you need to change the wireless channel your on


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
I have a friend who has a Macbook, who has been having nothing but problems with wireless and everything else. She tried to buy an airport extreme access point/router and it required an update on the OS side, which of course cost money, but on the windows side that would more than likely be a Service Pack update, not a whole new OS.

To each is there own