Narrarator: He knows I have footage of him starting the fire.
Cut to footage of the guy climbing over the fence, with the fire already going.
Narrarator: That's why he got shot - he was behind the barrier trying to set the federal courthouse on fire.
Not saying this dude was in the right, but there is no evidence in the video that he got shot for that reason. And come on - you think he was trying to set the courthouse on fire? By fanning a cardboard box fire that's in the middle of an asphalt lot, 15-20 feet from brick buildings? If the cops really thought they caught him in the act of arson of a federal building, he wouldn't have gotten shot with rubber bullets and then left alone. He would have been arrested - or worse.
The guy filming has no idea what happened. He filmed the dude acting stupid earlier in the evening, then saw him later and inserted his own narrative on what happened. Does the protestor have an agenda to make the cops look as bad as possible? Of course he does. But the guy on the other side of the camera has every bit the agenda the other way.
The vast majority of protestors are peaceful; some are assholes. The vast majority of cops are doing their best to keep the peace; but some of them are assholes too. We can trade videos of the assholes on either side all day long. It doesn't get us anywhere. The protests are about systemic racism and police brutality. Anyone focusing on what happens at the protests themselves (by any party) instead of the reason they're happening is either completely missing the point, or has an agenda of their own.