penny stock question for sellkirk

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Aug 18, 2002
Hi sellkirk..I like your write ups...........I would like to get more info on the stock IMGG.OB......This stock WAS .04 cents on 8/31 & its now .35 cents on no news, that i can see. Would you share a few free websites that you use, in your research/news searching......thnx for any replies.......bish


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Jul 16, 1999
bishqqq for the most part I do not play penny stocks, but you have noticed one key reason to play them or any stock.

have a book (will find it, ) though not sure still in print the author would look for penny stocks making a move.

now this stock has started its promotion, on the 16th they were are now covered by Skymark research ???? ,
and on the 18th they were on Money TV /Donald Baillargeon.

you want the stock to keep moving higher, you also for the most part want volume increasing.

would like to point out that a show syndictaed one like MoneyTV ussually is paid by the companies interviewed... so it is promotional..11,250 to 17250 for four months. of promotion...

message boards:

are for the most part useless, however you can get some info on a company there, though remember that 90%-99%, okay for the most part 100%, are rabid cheerleaders of the company.

many are investors with blinders on, and see only the positives, sometimes good info is exchanged, and positvie and negative, every board is different...

but for the most part the bulls rule.

just type IMGG and there is a small board on there.

for resource stocks another one is

I should point out that probably 90% (higher) of all resource penny stocks go to these are for speculation for the most part.

today see a compnay bought back in 1999 Freewest, or was that 1998, reverse roll back, lost 20% on that one.

still not a bad place to look for jr. in the mining space, most pay a fee....
and Grandich writes some good articles.



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Jul 16, 1999
I consider a penny stock anything under $5. and many in the past have been good.

bought Russel (in the year end preditons 2000?) anyways it was trading around 4-5 had a high div. over 5% and traded at below 10X earnings that were flat to growing...

now companies like this are not as high risk, if they are paying divs, earnings, free cash flow, and many times have large insider ownership.

then there are the companies that most penny stocks fall into espcially in North America....these are lottery tickets, most will lose money, and the odd few will make dreams come true.

Since I live in Canada started with resource penny stocks, well bought a mid cap gold stock, but for the most part quckly traded in small caps.

even some of the biggest mutual funds that were making good returns...marathon Cdn. equity in 1997 returned over 60% in six months...while I owned it...

the fund should have been called jr. gold stocks, because thats whats hot.


1. bought into diamond fields, in early 90s, they were touting mining the ocean floor with minerals, (later it was found that the boats they had for the most part could not....float...and were in dock for that reason.)
anyways two geolgists of theirs stumbled on nickel at voisey bay newfoundland.

the stock was 1.25,started buying at 3-4, and some at 7.50 though was getting nervous.

sold out over 75% of the postion by the time it hit 25. only owned about 10%, maybe more, by the time it hit 120-125.

remember sitting in a brokers office when it hit 75, and he told me it was going to hit 120-125 in six months to a year.... that was good, but I mean that was not even a double....was there for some warrant on another company.

Greed kicks in, then came a gold company that went from 5-6 to over 20 barrck took out... only had a small piece...everyone was buying jr. gold stocks.

then came BRE-X it was in Indonesia, a jungle, headed by a man who never found gold before or had credible mining history....same went for the rest of the company.

anyways in the Northern miner (do not read it much, not online, still not a bad place to look for info, costs about 3-4 on newstands and the info can be dated in the internet age, unlike $1, and no internet when I read it.)

the ceo is there claiming he had 18 million ounces, and the stock was moving so picked up some.....

it went to 250 as they and everyone knew they had over 100-140 million the end they claimed 250 million ounces, which some did not believe.

it was a scam, made more off that than I did on diaomond fields, far more....especially when marathon equity is considered.

there main geoligist fell, jumped, pushed out of a helicopter and is was in the jungle...maybe...

also sold out for the most part before the peak, but in this case turned out to be a good move, and Marathon equity killed after 3 days, in which it went down 10%, believe a year later went from 16-15 to 7.

gave some of the money back on Rio Amarillo, and agate bay resources, which was a top ten short by someone I found on the internet in 1999.

he shorted penny stocks, told me small company trying to develop a large project that a large company passed on....

I told him I had 20 pages of calculatons and figures, bought for .75 sold out at .25...
sold most when it went below .50...

also loss on Rio Amarillio, there was a company spending 500,00-700,000 a month just on offices...crazy, not sure how I missed that...sold lost 30-40%.

then just played blue chips, and this little thing called the interent, and tech stocks.....thought at the time could be the next thing...maybe almost as big....far bigger and far more hype.

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Aug 18, 2002
thats quite a history

thats quite a history

I've only been trading since '00 during the internet era, & couldn't imagine how dicey it was trading without having a computer in your agree w/ you penny stocks are super risky, imgg & xoma are the only stocks below a buck that i've ever owned. With normal stocks, there is an earnings event or some concrete news event, & the stock goes up or down. With imgg (bought on 6/29/06 @ .25 a share)in the last 3 yrs, there's almost no news , no insider activity in 5 yrs, no earnings. I cant believe it still trades, lol. I'll check out the sites you mentioned......thnx bish


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Aug 18, 2002
this thing may trade wildly today

this thing may trade wildly today

ceo gave a "state of the company " yesterday @3pm........he sounded very confident fda approval in 30 days.....just about EVERYTHING he said sounded too good to be true. if this 3d imaging device works, they could use it on "star trek - next generation" uss device sounds so amazing, i cant believe it can do what they claim it can do. hope i'm wrong. stock closed @ .50 cents on heavy volume.


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Jul 16, 1999
what is the ticker symbol.
for the most part have avoided stocks in this sector, though the upside is great, the amount of companies that fail is very high probably even higher the penny minning stocks,....well maybe close...

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Aug 18, 2002


IMGG......this stock was 4 cents , & in 19 trading days hit 70 cents today , but closed @ 57 may be a good day trading stock for the guys w/ a strong stomach.......IF...a big IF, they get fda approval in apprx 30 days, this thing will fly.......if they dont, back to 4 cents..... i would'nt recommend buying this stock...........very risky ........bish


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Oct 16, 2009


penny stocks are really worthwhile then regular stocks especially in period of recession


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Aug 18, 2002


IMGG...$ 1.64.....yee haw
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Registered User
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Jul 16, 1999
first of all congrats on the stock Bishqqq, and enjoy the move...if it drops make sure you take some off of the table so you are playing for free, would not be a great concern if it keeps moving up at this rate.

looks like it had a great November so far,

1. now they were on a promotional show, (they were before) and they pay for that, that was in November.

2. some small firm began coverage on the company, so many a bigger audiance, did not pay for that......(I believe)

3. their have been some takeovers, and large amount of rumours of mergers and takeovers in this sector, especially in the last 2-4 weeks.

4. they say they will FDA approval by this month. so that could move the stock.

do know any earnings projections,ect. congrats and this stock has had a great run since november.



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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Bish If you like penny stocks you might want to venture into one of the emerging markets.
Their penny stocks are much diff than U.S.
Many have low PE's and some pay dividends
several below were less than a buck within past year-all had postive earnings and little debt.
SGZH .02 CSGH .19 NEWN .20 NFEC .12 TPI .68
FEED .90 ORPN .20 LPIH .20 GFRE .76

<TABLE class=gf-table><THEAD><TR class=portfolio-header-row><TH class="lft pf-table-lname sortable" closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="17">Name▲▼ <TH class="lft sortable" closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="18">Symbol▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="19">Last price▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="20">Change▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="21">Mkt cap▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="22">Volume▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="23">Open▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="24">High▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="25">Low▲▼ <TH class=sortable closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="26">Day's gain▲▼</TR> </TR><TFOOT><TR class=cash><TD class=no-border><TD class="lft no-border pf-table-cell" colSpan=2>Cash - Deposit / Withdraw <TD class="rgt no-border pf-table-cell "><TD class=no-border colSpan=7><TR style="DISPLAY: none" id=add_cash_row><TD class=no-border><TD class="no-p-top no-border" colSpan=11><FORM method=post name=addform action=/finance/portfolio?action=add&hash=2f3e8d5d06388d46><INPUT value=1 type=hidden name=pid><INPUT value=cash type=hidden name=menu_type><INPUT id=add_cash_type value=CASH_DEPOSIT type=hidden name=add_cashtype_1> <TABLE style="FLOAT: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="73%"><TBODY><TR class=add-cash><TD id=type_prompt class=add-cash width="1%" noWrap><TD class=add-cash width="1%" noWrap>Date <TD class=add-cash width="1%"><INPUT id=add_date_cash size=15 name=add_date_1 autocomplete="off"> <TD class=add-cash width="1%" noWrap>Amount <TD class=add-cash width="1%"><INPUT size=9 name=add_price_1> <TD class=add-cash width="1%" noWrap>Notes <TD class=add-cash><INPUT style="WIDTH: 100%" size=30 name=add_notes_1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><NOBR><INPUT value="Add to portfolio" type=submit><INPUT id=cancel_add_cash value=Cancel type=button closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="52"></NOBR></FORM><TR height=1><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px" colSpan=12> </TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=1537738 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="28"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">DENWAY MOTORS LTD <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">DENMF <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">0.650* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.030 (-4.41%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">4.82B <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">1,500.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">0.675 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">0.68 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">0.65 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=10946322 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="29"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">CHEUNG KONG INFRASTR <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">CKISF <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">3.50* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">0.00 (0.00%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">0.00 <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">0.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">3.5 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">3.5 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">3.5 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=717450 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="30"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Songzai Intl. Holding... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">SGZH <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">8.25* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.25 (3.12%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">123.19M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">7,917.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">8.32 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">8.32 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">8.05 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=722016 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="31"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">China Sun Group High... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">CSGH <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">1.69* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.01 (-0.59%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">90.28M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">188,654.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">1.7 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">1.7 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">1.66 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=699199 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="32"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">China Digital Communicat... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">NEWN <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">6.45* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.25 (-3.73%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">32.70M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">63,720.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">6.69 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">6.7 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">6.3 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=722540 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="33"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">United States Gasoline... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">UGA <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">35.59 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.19 (-0.53%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">62.82M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">50,038.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">36.55 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">36.59 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">35.16 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=6463253 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="34"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">NF Energy Saving Corp <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">NFEC <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">4.00* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.02 (-0.50%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">53.16M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">27,158.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">4 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">4 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">3.8 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=710363 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="35"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">United States Natural... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">UNG <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">8.65 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.14 (1.65%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">3.35B <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">23.14M <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">8.73 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">8.8 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">8.58 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=10482497 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="36"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Tianyin Pharmaceutical... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">TPI <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">4.30* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.06 (1.42%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">100.50M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">1.01M <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">4.4 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">4.44 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">3.98 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=720661 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="37"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">WSP Holdings Limited <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">WH <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">3.13 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.05 (-1.57%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">322.06M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">280,548.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">3.12 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">3.16 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">3.08 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=3179486 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="38"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Himax Tech., Inc. (ADR) <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">HIMX <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">2.89 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.01 (0.35%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">528.53M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">301,255.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">2.93 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">2.93 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">2.84 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=700404 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="39"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Puda Coal, Inc <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">PUDA <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">5.82* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.03 (-0.51%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">89.40M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">76,199.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">5.85 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">5.94 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">5.7 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=718968 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="40"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">AgFeed Industries, Inc. <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">FEED <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">5.04 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.19 (3.92%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">221.38M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">1.80M <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">5 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">5.18 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">4.864 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=702708 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="41"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">iShares Barclays TIPS... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">TIP <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">104.82 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.90 (-0.85%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">15.70B <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">1.26M <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">105.22 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">105.25 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">104.75 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=717567 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="42"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">China North East... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">NEP <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">5.70* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.07 (1.24%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">119.64M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">610,422.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">5.75 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">5.85 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">5.51 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=662608 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="43"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Williams Companies, Inc. <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">WMB <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">19.75 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.20 (-1.00%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">11.52B <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">7.36M <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">20.12 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">20.53 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">19.51 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=709441 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="44"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">China Natural Gas, Inc. <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">CHNG <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">11.08 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.32 (2.97%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">234.72M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">519,350.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">10.99 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">11.15 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">10.51 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=2147668 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="45"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Orient Paper Inc(NDA) <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">ORPN <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">9.30* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.19 (2.09%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">135.59M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">14,045.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">9.3 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">9.4 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">9.14 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=729825 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="46"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Longwei Petroleum... <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">LPIH <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">2.27* <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">+0.04 (1.79%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">188.44M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">249,453.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">2.25 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">2.34 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">2.2 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR><TBODY><TR><TD class="chk lft pf-table-cell"><INPUT class=gf-table-chk value=656809 type=checkbox closure_hashCode_x4yo2m="47"> <TD class="pf-table-lname pf-table-cell lft">Gulf Resources, Inc. <TD class="pf-table-s pf-table-cell lft">GFRE <TD class="pf-table-lp pf-table-cell rgt">10.01 <TD class="pf-table-cp pf-table-cell rgt">-0.10 (-0.99%) <TD class="pf-table-cap pf-table-cell rgt">315.74M <TD class="pf-table-vol pf-table-cell rgt">661,653.00 <TD class="pf-table-op pf-table-cell rgt">10.35 <TD class="pf-table-hi pf-table-cell rgt">10.6 <TD class="pf-table-lo pf-table-cell rgt">9.2 <TD class="pf-table-dg pf-table-cell rgt"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>