Penny Stocks

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Houston, TX
What do you guys think of spsn and qmndq?
Rumors are that one will be bought out by Micron. Already holding a bit of spsn but wondering if any one has any knowledge or suggestions about either.


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Jul 16, 1999
mjones do not follow these two stocks though I have bought small amount in tech in the last few weeks.

SPSN high 3.70 low .01 close .1863
the company has just settled a 70 million patent dispute with samsung, now that is the good news,

bad news : they have filed for and in chapter 11, the flash memorey sector has been down year over year, and could question if it is just another commdity, with increasing competition driving prices even lower.

they will be delisted from Nasdaq, (looks like it) and are late in filing their (have been) financials...not a good sign.

they are good at putting a good spin on some results (winning market share, and firm prices, however revenue fell from 460 to around 400 million??)

they have something or else Samsung would not have settled also they could maybe become a patent troll with flash memorey and take other companies to court.. however the debt holders get first claim on the company now over common shareholders.

would wait until they come out of chapter 11 (or what ever happen), and probably the reverse split
.... then would look at it.....
currently very high risk stock, would sacrifice some gains until it becomes more clear.

QMNDQ 4.99 .05 .115 close
this company has been hurt by cutbacks not sure in its control, maybe it will be taken over however it is trading close to it low.

would wait until the stock shows signs of strength

there are other penny stocks that have rallied sharply, would just do a search and look at companies that

1. off sharply from their highs, though have bounced from their 52 week low.

2. have showed strenght, this has been a powerfull rally, if your penny stock is not moving in the past 30 days when....

3. want the company to be able to survive at least a year or more.

4. in an economic recovery, even modest growth the company earnings and cash flow improve.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Houston, TX
Thanks for the added research and advice kirk, decided to stick with spsn and added chtrq, other no penny iboc, and hun.
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Mr Jones

Concerning penny stocks--you may want to look into emerging markets. Unlike U.S. where most penny stocks are hyped and betting on the come -you can get penny stocks that have had profits for years--some even have history of paying dividends.
One example is is DENMF.PK an auto related stock from China. Had this stock listed in China thread at very start of thread. Sold 1/2 of position when it doubled but still have retain 1/2 @ no cost and draw dividend while holding.

Last 2 dividends--
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=683 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#f8f8f8><TD>10/20/08 </TD><TD>10/20/08 </TD><TD>10/20/08 </TD><TD>Cash</TD><TD>QUAL DIV</TD><TD></TD><TD><!--s --><!-- e-->DENWAY MTRS LTD <!--s --><!--e --></TD><TD>DENMF</TD><TD></TD><!-- --><TD align=right><NOBR>80.59 </NOBR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=683 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#f8f8f8><TD>06/20/08 </TD><TD>06/20/08 </TD><TD>06/20/08 </TD><TD>Cash</TD><TD>QUAL DIV</TD><TD></TD><TD><!--s --><!-- e-->DENWAY MTRS LTD <!--s --><!--e --></TD><TD>DENMF </TD><TD></TD><!-- --><TD align=right><NOBR>134.51 </NOBR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Have ran into several of these "penny" stocks in emerging markets.