Phil Steele


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Jack, I dunno if this is in the right place, but if it aint, feel free to move it on over to the Foots thread...

Although I'm not a fan nor a follower, the guy does put out a pretty decent pre-season football mag. I mainly use it for #'s in previous years. Magazine is categorized very well! For the life of me, I can't remember the name of the mag. and my lazy ass isn't going out to my car to find out.

Here's my question:

When I was skimming through it I noticed ole Phil did a breakdown of a lot of the offshore houses. He said that he and his associates opened up accounts at over 600 offshore sportsbooks(hummm) and rated each and every one. Funny thing however, cuz I only found info. on ten of 'em, which were rated the ten best. I HONESTLY hadn't heard of about six of 'em, and I thought I knew most of the reputable books operating on the net. Dunno the exact order, but here are a few I remember: Millenium, Jacquar Sports, BetonSports, and a few others. It's apparent that ole Phil must have some sort of deal with these books. I looked and looked for the ratings of the other 590 but couldn't find the sum of a bitches.

Has anyone else seen this? And if ya have, where in the hell is the other 99% of the info. that he said he gathered? I dunno how, but Steele has to have his hand in the cookie jar at these 10 best books. Anybody figured out how all this is related?? Phil don't do nothin'for free, and I was just curious on how all this chit is related.

Jack, I also noticed that Phil Steele will be a GUEST contributor to your ole buddies at ************ . I'd certainly feel much better with ND in my corner than Steele, but still was kind of shocked that ************ could snag someone like this. I'm also guessin' that he aint doing it for free .... if yuz know what I mean ...


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
ole Phil defeinitely has something to do with or some deal with millennium, because he sends out a brochure for them in all his newsletters and has ads for them in the newsletters.

I think I heard he has a stake in it, BUT DON'T KNOW FOR SURE. What a conflict of interest if he does. Give out his plays, bet at his book and hope you lose
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