Philly Tuesday

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HBD Sports!
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2002
Franklin, MA
In lieu of studying for my finals, I am studying today's card. Probably will end up with the same result at the track as I will at school...

PS. That's not good
:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:

Race 1. Ex/Tri Box #2, #3, #6
Race 6. #1 WPS (3x)
Race 10. #3.

GL All!


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Thanks for posting

Thanks for posting

Justa "hello" to let ya know there really is life out here. Does look like things are back to normal around here again :(

Yeah, I remember my days at that there College of Hard Knox alright... tough, tough school that is. :)

Looks like you tried out the W/Pl/Show thingy... but you picked a MAIDEN race to do it though. Actually, NICE pick in the last race which was a maiden affair as well. That no. 3 did good for a 10-1 but the jockey needs to go back to Jockey School. The hoss was struggling though in the late stages so you really didn't get burnt (should make ya feel better about the outcome). If you make your picks from the PPs, note that BOTH the jockey and the trainer didn't win a race at this meet yet. That ain't good.

Visitors - How many of yas caught that there no. 4 hoss (70-1) in the 8th zacta?


oh well, me neither :(

But I DO hope you didn't let that good ole 1-3-6, magic nos. tri, come in without yas iin the 4th. :0074

Looks like I'l be doing some yardwork instead of working on them horses for the next 3 OR MORE days. Not looking forward to going out there now... it is freakin HOT, HOT, HOT out there. And that's just a hint of what's ahead too.

Good luck with the finals, HM.
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