We are experiencing technical problems with our satellite telecomunications provider. Our normal 800 lines are ringing busy but our back ups are working. Please use the following numbers until further notice:
Cust Svc: 1-877-228-6401
Wagering: 1-877-228-6402
Internet players ARE NOT effected, but please try to make all plays earlier than normal as we anticipate an increase in internet volume due to phone problems.
We apologize and have the techs on both sides working fevorishly to repair.
Cust Svc: 1-877-228-6401
Wagering: 1-877-228-6402
Internet players ARE NOT effected, but please try to make all plays earlier than normal as we anticipate an increase in internet volume due to phone problems.
We apologize and have the techs on both sides working fevorishly to repair.