phone sex harasser vs the pantsuit on fox(at 8pm) interview thread


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
might give those with a little wright/bockobama fatigue a chance to catch their breath...

coming on at 8...i think it`s a smart idea for shrill because:

1)she`ll be seen by a whole lotta knuckle dragging folks that actually watch the harasser....and it might actually help her in n.c. and indiana...

2)she puts to bed the claim by o`reilly that dems are afraid of him...

3)he`s basically lame,and she,despite being quite disingenuous at times, is pretty savvy for the most part...o`reilly,without his staff,is basically a stiff....

should be interesting....

let the games begin...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
wellll...she was ducking like daffy, stretching her talking points like taffy....but,i thought she did very well.....particularly from a progressive`s point of view...

didn`t like that she basically had no amswer to the driling in anwar issue...that worries me...

but,that`s the situation,regardless of whether it`s bock,hill or mclame...

she did well..really like the answer on why she`s a polarizing figure....she smoked that....i`m beginning to worry again that she might be the stronger candidate...she`s up on her core lib issues and she`s smart...

i may have to switch over to bock and restart the hillary hatin`...

Toledo Prophet

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 5, 2005
Toledo, Ohio

Thanks for the insights.

--For those of us who missed that part, what/why did you like the most about her answer on why she was such a polarizing figure? I am hardly a supporter of hers, but I have always been amazed at the level of ire she raises among people, and its a board spectrum of folks too, so I would be intrigued to hear more analysis from you on this one.

--How do you think this will impact the upcoming primaries. IIRC, she's neck/neck on Indy, but down kinda big in NC (polls, though, so take it for whats its worth). Do you see this perfomance helping her surge. What about the general?

Thanks in advance man. I got caught up in 2nd period of the hockey game and will watch the interview later. But, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Or, really anyone else who watched.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
what she said was basically that she`s been around for a long time...that she has an established record on tough,polarizing issues and she`s never been afraid to take a stand and fight for what she believes...whether it be health care...fighting big oil...fighting for middle class tax relief and that she basically believes that the rich,like herself and o`reilly,can afford to foot some of the bill...a raise in tax rates for those making over $250 grand a year from 33% to either 36 or 39%,as it was in the 90`s(basically explaining why she thinks bush`s tax cuts hurt the middle class)....if it can help "everyone" ,particularly struggling families make a better life for themselves...

it was an effective,populist little speech...conservatives on hannity`s show afterward were actually giving her kudo`s...

i think she was saying that" yes,i`m polarizing because i believe in something,have for 2 decades, and i`m not afraid to stand by my positions...that she has a record,she knows the issues and that basically you can`t please all the people all the is what it is...subliminally the message was,you know me,i`m a fighter and barack obama is popular because nobody knows anything about him...he has no record other than his associates,and they are dubious at best....

you know i`m no liberal...but,she was sharp and on point...she argues her positions very well...she sort of surprised me...she kind of came across as nicer than i`d anticipated,but,she wasn`t gonna back down...that`s a hard balance to achieve..

they were both cordial but wasn`t smarmy...

i honestly have a little more respect for her coming on o`reilly`s show and taking every hard question...

i give her credit for manning up...

i think he had her on voting against nuclear power 7 times and against drilling in anwar and off the coast,but,i don`t think o`reilly knew enough on the subject and said"let`s move on"....he`s a lackwit,imo...

all in all,i think she did herself alot of good..i don`t think he laid much leather on her at all...

she comes across as someone who`s not at all cowed by possibly assuming the most difficult,important job in the world....

well spank me and call me nelly:shrug:

part 2 tomorrow..
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
before anybody gets carried away by my glowing review of the pantsuit`s performance,i am sobered a bit by the realization that last time we had a clinton in office, we had a majority republican house and senate to somewhat restrain them....this time?...and i don`t agree with immediate withdrawal and defeat in iraq

i`m afraid..very afraid..

on the other hand,you get a "tough" vibe from her...i do believe(strangely enough) she could actually be vicious to our enemies who need being vicious to,imo....

maybe i`m not on my game,tonight...i`m very conflicted about her...but,it is hillary,and for me,that`s about as good as it gets..


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Not bad for part 1

What I can't figure is Wallace let Obama slide and now Oreilly lets Hilliary on tax question.

Both want to repeal Bush tax cuts to what they were previous--while both say they'll increase taxes on rich but lower on working.

DUH--Only way that is truthful is if their definition of working class is those that don't pay taxes--because when they repeal it--every swinging dick that paid taxes --gets a tax increase. :shrug:

---and glaring error in H's healthcare plan "we must have pre existing conditions included from day one"

They tried that in Ky and every carrier but one left state.

What you get is case of EXTREME adverse selection. No healthy to pay for unhealthy.

Under that plan--why take out insurance until prob arises--then take it out--and after corrected--drop insurance until you need it again.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Wease, I could not have said it better myself. You completely captured what I thought were the important points of that interview. When I think about how she snuck in some terrific "little" things that really speak to undecideds, that may or may not know - invoking the name of Reagan in a positive way, how she is experienced and takes a stand, how she showed she could control a conversation in a tough environment, etc...I think that she had to have won a lot of support from those that haven't made up their minds yet.

I know you guys have many issues with her, but I give you credit for giving credit - of course moreso with Wease than

And whoever did the hair and makeup - they deserve an incredible amount of credit. She looked as good as she possibly could have last night - and after this tough campaign and the long hours, that says something.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I know you guys have many issues with her, but I give you credit for giving credit

And whoever did the hair and makeup - they deserve an incredible amount of credit. She looked as good as she possibly could have last night - and after this tough campaign and the long hours, that says something.

and chad...i give YOU credit,for giving me credit,for giving her credit.....

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