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Forum Member
Jun 2, 2001
ill be on pitt. plus the pts. and on the money line.
this is not a hometown bet with ure heart play.
pitt. just reminds me of the super bowl winners of 99 the stlouis rams.
that yr. stlouis just covered and covered over and over again. i know because i got killed betting against them many times in search of let-down!!! they never had that let-down game. pitt. seems to be doing much of the same. theyve been a cover machine this year and i believe they had their 1 slip up against minn. 2-weeks ago. they appear to me to be another special team like stlouis of 99 that has something to prove and show an unbelievable amount of intensity each and every week. consider what theyve done to this point. theyve covered against 5-straight division foes. unheard of as far as im concerned especially in the physical afc central.have gone 10-2 ats. this yr.i wouldnt bet against them tonight...if ure not sure i would at the very least tease them to +10...i just dont think its wise to bet against them if ure expecting a let-down, because i dont think ull see one.
tonite. they totally out-played balt. at
home but lost by 3 when they missed 5-fieldgoals they have had this rematch game marked down ever since that loss. a few steelers were even quoted as saying they felt their preparation for jets wasnt that good, due to the fact that they were looking ahead to balt. this week. pitt. has sometrhing to prove tonite and i think they will!!!.
gluck ALL, BURGH..


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2000
i agree STEEL! not only that Stewart is throwing the ball real weel as of late and everytime i catch a raven game it seems like there giving up alot through the air.

should be a real tough battle to the end
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