Plan B fer those for whom The La Cncha life isn't in the cards....


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Bravely" Living a Life of Luxury in Ecuador on $1,300 a Month

At least once a week, I receive an email with the words "you're so brave." I chuckle to myself because everyone back in the States thinks i am so courageous. In reality, I think exactly the opposite...

What's brave about retiring to one of the world's top retirement destinations?Cuenca, Ecuador?with spring-like temperatures all year long (lows in the 50's and high 70's) and not having to work unless I absolutely want to..

I enjoy going to the thermal baths and spas in Ba?os, just 20 minutes away from my condo, twice a week...eating out with friends in trendy restaurants three times a week..."splurging" on a dozen roses (just $2 a bunch) every week, and occasionally attending a free concert alfresco under the lights of Santo Domingo Iglesia.

Life in Cuenca is so rich and full, I sometimes feel guilty?not brave. I'm tempted to tell everyone to stop calling me courageous because I actually feel extremely fortunate.
Friends back in the States just don't get it because they're too busy trying to survive. My peers are still working full-time jobs, losing their health insurance benefits and 401ks, and wondering how they're going to pay the mortgage next month or replace the brakes on the car that they're still making payments on.
If I had stayed in the States that would have been brave, but instead I stepped out of the box into a world of possibilities and have never looked back.

I traded a life of drudgery for a life in the land of "eternal" springtime, high in the Andes mountains. Don't need a car in Cuenca, which is the greatest luxury. Instead I take taxis ($2 a trip), the bus (25 cents), or enjoy leisurely strolls or a bike ride along the Yanuncay River with its Eucalyptus tree-lined banks.

Best of all, I have no more medical bills. I belong to the Ecuadorian social security system for $81 a month, which includes office visits, labs, hospitalization, and medication free of charge (no co-pays). And am able to enjoy vacations twice a year on Ecuador's magnificent coastline and trips back to the States to see folks , who remind me of how I once might have struggled to make ends meet.

When I have to respond to an email about how brave I am to live a life of luxury on $1,317 a month, I smile inwardly and say to myself, "Oh, but you can be brave too!"


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Damn, I love reading things like this. 6 more years until both of my kids are off to college and my wife and I will be moving South.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Damn, I love reading things like this. 6 more years until both of my kids are off to college and my wife and I will be moving South.

South to where you thinking? Research Research Research. And spend as many months as you can at where ever it is you want to go. Be totally honest as to whet it is you want if your life.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Great read seem very happy.

Thats not me. I still spend 6 to 8 months a year in Wisconsin. But i am able to travel as much as i want for as long as I want almost when ever i want. Summers May June July August i have to be here to fill my rentals.. Other wise I answer to no one.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Great read seem very happy.

Way more than happy.. U seem Ok with things too. I worry about what the current generation faces and sad about how once the greatest country in history has been destroyed by a Political Party. But that's a topic that no body wants to discuss and most are clueless about how and why it happened.. When i went to my first casino i had to wear a jacket to gain entrance. Now Our Mj Crew wears t Shirts and Matching Hoodies. Sign of the crushing economic times seems to me.


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
Bravely" Living a Life of Luxury in Ecuador on $1,300 a Month

At least once a week, I receive an email with the words "you're so brave." I chuckle to myself because everyone back in the States thinks i am so courageous. In reality, I think exactly the opposite...

What's brave about retiring to one of the world's top retirement destinations?Cuenca, Ecuador?with spring-like temperatures all year long (lows in the 50's and high 70's) and not having to work unless I absolutely want to..

I enjoy going to the thermal baths and spas in Ba?os, just 20 minutes away from my condo, twice a week...eating out with friends in trendy restaurants three times a week..."splurging" on a dozen roses (just $2 a bunch) every week, and occasionally attending a free concert alfresco under the lights of Santo Domingo Iglesia.

Life in Cuenca is so rich and full, I sometimes feel guilty?not brave. I'm tempted to tell everyone to stop calling me courageous because I actually feel extremely fortunate.
Friends back in the States just don't get it because they're too busy trying to survive. My peers are still working full-time jobs, losing their health insurance benefits and 401ks, and wondering how they're going to pay the mortgage next month or replace the brakes on the car that they're still making payments on.
If I had stayed in the States that would have been brave, but instead I stepped out of the box into a world of possibilities and have never looked back.

I traded a life of drudgery for a life in the land of "eternal" springtime, high in the Andes mountains. Don't need a car in Cuenca, which is the greatest luxury. Instead I take taxis ($2 a trip), the bus (25 cents), or enjoy leisurely strolls or a bike ride along the Yanuncay River with its Eucalyptus tree-lined banks.

Best of all, I have no more medical bills. I belong to the Ecuadorian social security system for $81 a month, which includes office visits, labs, hospitalization, and medication free of charge (no co-pays). And am able to enjoy vacations twice a year on Ecuador's magnificent coastline and trips back to the States to see folks , who remind me of how I once might have struggled to make ends meet.

When I have to respond to an email about how brave I am to live a life of luxury on $1,317 a month, I smile inwardly and say to myself, "Oh, but you can be brave too!"


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 16, 2005
Black Hills
good read Hammer, like to hear about stuff like that. Simple contentment is a great goal in life! Keep the updates coming!


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
good read Hammer, like to hear about stuff like that. Simple contentment is a great goal in life! Keep the updates coming!

original author deserves the credit :0008

Posted on <time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-02-04T05:41:21+00:00" pubdate="">February 4, 2016</time> Connie Pombo
At least once a week, I receive an email with the words ?you?re so brave.? I chuckle to myself because everyone back in the States thinks my husband, Mark, and I are so courageous. In reality, I think exactly the opposite?
What?s brave about retiring at age 55 to one of the world?s top retirement destinations?Cuenca, Ecuador?with spring-like temperatures all year long (lows in the 50?s and high 70?s) and not having to work unless I absolutely want to (I?m a freelance writer).
I enjoy going to the thermal baths and spas in Ba?os, just 20 minutes away from our condo, twice a week?eating out with friends in trendy restaurants three times a week??splurging? on a dozen roses (just $2 a bunch) every week, and occasionally attending a free concert alfresco under the lights of Santo Domingo Iglesia.
Our life in Cuenca is so rich and full, I sometimes feel guilty?not brave. I?m tempted to tell everyone to stop calling me courageous because I actually feel extremely fortunate.
Family and friends back in the States just don?t get it because they?re too busy trying to survive. Our peers are still working full-time jobs, losing their health insurance benefits and 401ks, and wondering how they?re going to pay the mortgage next month or replace the brakes on the car that they?re still making payments on.
Six years ago, we were in the same situation when my husband was given the choice of retiring at 55 or work five more years with one of the world?s largest transportation companies for an extra $200 a month in pension. If we had stayed in the States that would have been brave, but instead we stepped out of the box into a world of possibilities and have never looked back.

Connie and her husband Mark have traded their lives in for a new one in Cuenca, Ecuador where they enjoy the low costs and spring-like weather.

We traded a life of drudgery for a life in the land of ?eternal? springtime, high in the Andes mountains. We don?t need a car in Cuenca, which is our greatest luxury. Instead we take taxis ($2 a trip), the bus (25 cents), or enjoy leisurely strolls or bike rides along the Yanuncay River with its Eucalyptus tree-lined banks.
Best of all, we have no more medical bills. We belong to the Ecuadorian social security system for $81 a month, which includes office visits, labs, hospitalization, and medication free of charge (no co-pays). And we?re able to enjoy vacations twice a year on Ecuador?s magnificent coastline and trips back to the States to see our kids, who remind us of how we once struggled to make ends meet.
Sure we had to learn a new language and adapt to doing things a different way, but that?s all part of the adventure.
When I have to respond to an email about how brave I am to live a life of luxury on $1,317 a month, I smile inwardly and say to myself, ?Oh, but you can be brave too!?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
He did a little editing to try and make it look like his.

Really ?????? most people here know i live in wisconsin. only you are too stupid to know that..or even ask Jack. that,

Vincent u dumb fuck i said its not mine and no where does it say it is. Its an example of whats out there. And why would some one of my skill and intelligence have to live in Ecuador. Thats for guys like you that squandered their meager earnings to park their Yugo fpr $39. Last Question.........You Dribble or Swallow today ????.. or did you actually get done the job u are paid to dp...........Gargle!!!!. Do I hear an Oink Oink......... YES I DO !!!..???


CAN YOU COMPOSE A SENTENCE.......MAYBE 2 WITH HELP ???? I AM PERFORMING AN ACT of mercy towards not posting Fading me right now wd force u to get a secondary career as providing your bung hole as a test site for lumber jack Dildos...... Ouch Vincent !!!!!!! The god thing wd be u could store your flash light there while not working. Come on Vinnie bring er on I am loving a dumb troll...... Best best stuff I've written all week.......


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
At least once a week, I receive an email with the words "you're so brave." I chuckle to myself because everyone back in the States thinks i am so courageous.

At least once a week, I receive an email with the words ?you?re so brave.? I chuckle to myself because everyone back in the States thinks my husband, Mark, and I are so courageous.

Life in Cuenca is so rich and full

Our life in Cuenca is so rich and full

If I had stayed in the States that would have been brave

If We had stayed in the States that would have been brave

I traded a life of drudgery for a life in the land of "eternal" springtime

We traded a life of drudgery for a life in the land of ?eternal? springtime,

Don't need a car in Cuenca
We don?t need a car in Cuenca

I belong to the Ecuadorian social security system for $81 a month

We belong to the Ecuadorian social security system for $81 a month

And am able to enjoy vacations twice a year on Ecuador's magnificent coastline and trips back to the States to see folks , who remind me of how I once might have struggled to make ends meet.

And we're able to enjoy vacations twice a year on Ecuador?s magnificent coastline and trips back to the States to see our kids, who remind us of how we once struggled to make ends meet.

You just edited out the we, our & us for me & I

What time is it ? hammer version time :mj07:



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 20, 2000
Massapequa Park, NY USA
At least once a week, I receive an email with the words ?you?re so brave.? I chuckle to myself because everyone back in the States thinks my husband, Mark, and I are so courageous.

Our life in Cuenca is so rich and full

If We had stayed in the States that would have been brave

We traded a life of drudgery for a life in the land of ?eternal? springtime,

We don?t need a car in Cuenca

We belong to the Ecuadorian social security system for $81 a month

And we're able to enjoy vacations twice a year on Ecuador?s magnificent coastline and trips back to the States to see our kids, who remind us of how we once struggled to make ends meet.

You just edited out the we, our & us for me & I

What time is it ? hammer version time :mj07:



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
At least once a week, I receive an email with the words ?you?re so brave.? I chuckle to myself because everyone back in the States thinks my husband, Mark, and I are so courageous.

Our life in Cuenca is so rich and full

If We had stayed in the States that would have been brave

We traded a life of drudgery for a life in the land of ?eternal? springtime,

We don?t need a car in Cuenca

We belong to the Ecuadorian social security system for $81 a month

And we're able to enjoy vacations twice a year on Ecuador?s magnificent coastline and trips back to the States to see our kids, who remind us of how we once struggled to make ends meet.

You just edited out the we, our & us for me & I

What time is it ? hammer version time :mj07:

So whats your problem Vinnie ????? Whether its I or WE its the content that matters. You have been editing my posts from day one. Ya fucked every one here.... Ya gotta look at me as a Brain Surgeon... Some one that performs surgery on your wallet and puts $$$ into it. In 14 years here your the 2nd Idiot that chose to fuck with me. Fine ... I am enjoying the Titty Tat....... all people i know are accomplished in their fiields and some know what i do.. and a few do think I am Full of Shit Tha'ts life.. Buttttttttttttt!!!!!! ................When They want to bet the Dime >>> They pick up the phone ...Make Then Call and Make it HAMMERTIME

Gargle Vinnie Perhaps you can make an I into a WE....Happy Hunting Do a career search fer a Partner and u can be a we !!!!!!!


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
Taking pity on your sorry ass agin vincent..Princeton udder blowout.. say thanks

Good for you rookie you finally got a winner

96976335-1 2/4/2016 7:39PM
Parlay 2,500.00 6,611.56
Basketball - 881 Iona -2? for Game
Basketball - 887 Central Michigan/Akron over 146? for Game

I?m off to Atlantis for a Super bowl party. :00hour

Going to give out some 2 teamer winners too !

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