Planes, Lies & eBay

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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
The McCain/Palin camp just keeps piling one lie on top of another.

One of Sarah Palin?s favorite campaign lines so far has been that she ?Took the luxury plane that came with the office and sold it on eBay?. She said it before 30 million viewers in her acceptance speech. Then, to make matters worse, John McCain said...

?You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on eBay. Made a profit.?

Let?s examine that statement. First of all, the plane was NOT sold on eBay. Between December of ?06 and April of ?07, the Alaska Department of Public Safety made several attempts to sell the plane on eBay, but failed. Finally, In April of ?07, the Republican Speaker of the Alaska House of Representatives, John Harris, brokered a deal to sell the plane to a Valdez, AK businessman, Larry Reynolds, for $2.1 million.

It?s bad enough that Palin lied about selling the plane on eBay in front of 30 million viewers, but then McCain had to add a second lie to the story by saying she made a profit. The state of Alaska paid $2.7 million for the plane, so how exactly is selling the plane for $2.1 million making a profit? John McCain?s right about one thing... He really doesn?t know anything about economics.

Sun Tzu

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
You are only about 4 days behind. Obama is just like Kerry and Mondale and Dukakis and Gore - no frigging clue on how to run a campaign. Going after this lady is only doing harm. As are all the media folks and bloggrs who are piling on. One can debate the relevance of all of these things, but whats the point when it isnt helping your campaign and is in fact hurting it? He needs to focus on himself and McCain.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
thats easy to explain, it is a profit, DEPENDING ON YOUR DEFINITION OF IS, IS.... if you go by political #'s : they were going to sell it at an even bigger loss, so they actually made a profitt.... thats the way it works in washington for these TWO PARTIES......we are doing in this forum what they want us to do... we point out the other parties missgivings while the TWO PARTIES **** us all in the ass & take the loot out the back door....... I'm laughing but its not funny...... think about it .
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Going after this lady is only doing harm. As are all the media folks and bloggrs who are piling on. One can debate the relevance of all of these things, but whats the point when it isnt helping your campaign and is in fact hurting it? He needs to focus on himself and McCain.

The fact that both McCain and Palin got caught lying is irrelevant to this election? That argument's laughable. What's not laughable is that fact that both McCain and Palin feel they have to lie to the American people to try to sway voters. It that's not relevant to this election, I don't know what is.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Honestly, if you dont have integrity you have nothing.

And to think that Palin would possible end up as President is truly absurd and scary.

We have had it with lies.

Lies lead to corruption. Corruption leads to Americans getting screwed over. Again and again and again.

And they dont even try to hide their lies. They just blurt it out there and if they are caught, its business as usual.


Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005
When the day comes that you and 50 million like myself get behind a third party and throw the crooks out, then and only then,will we see real change.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
When the day comes that you and 50 million like myself get behind a third party and throw the crooks out, then and only then,will we see real change.


Hey I voted for Ross Perot.

That guy was a breath of fresh air.

And when he didnt win I realized what this countrys politics were all about and we would never have the candidates that could make America proud again.

It demoralized me to politics and continues to affect me to this day. I do not like either one of the tickets. I despised Hillary and glad the Clinton crooks are gone finally.

I could live with McBush but Obama gives the best chance to really change the status quo.


Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005
thats easy to explain, it is a profit, DEPENDING ON YOUR DEFINITION OF IS, IS.... if you go by political #'s : they were going to sell it at an even bigger loss, so they actually made a profitt.... thats the way it works in washington for these TWO PARTIES......we are doing in this forum what they want us to do... we point out the other parties missgivings while the TWO PARTIES **** us all in the ass & take the loot out the back door....... I'm laughing but its not funny...... think about it .

I've been saying this all along. Republicans get fuhked in the ass by a republican and call it sex.I'm being raped by the two party system and see no end in sight. I would like to date a third party. Hoping for a better time and more understanding to my needs. HA HA !:mj07: :mj07:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I've been saying this all along. Republicans get fuhked in the ass by a republican and call it sex.I'm being raped by the two party system and see no end in sight. I would like to date a third party. Hoping for a better time and more understanding to my needs. HA HA !:mj07: :mj07:
Donny here is the problem with a third party. Who are you gonna recruit? You will get a lot of people but most will be on the left. The right group of pigeons are perfectly happy with being lied to over and over again and not even being able to realize it so they will stay with who they are told to stay with. Its much like a cult. You ever meet anyone from Texas or Kentucky that is a democrat, independent, or a Libertarian?
In ten years on the net i think i ran into one of them and possible a half of one.
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