There's really no need to worry about what a few credit card companies are doing to prevent overseas gambling. I found this site that shows you a few alternatives. The site appears to be in it's infancy and it will hopefully get better. It only lists 3 or 4 sportsbooks for several of the different payment options, when in reality, there are plenty more. I'll try to get them to update their site.
The Site
It looks like these guys originally dedicated this site to casinos that accepted PayPal. PayPal has since stoped all money transfers (and frozen peoples accounts) that deals with gambling, which brings me to a side-note:
Beware of PayPal! Here are a few websites that are dedicated to exposing PayPal for the fraud they are! :thefinger
The Site
It looks like these guys originally dedicated this site to casinos that accepted PayPal. PayPal has since stoped all money transfers (and frozen peoples accounts) that deals with gambling, which brings me to a side-note:
Beware of PayPal! Here are a few websites that are dedicated to exposing PayPal for the fraud they are! :thefinger